maracyn problems?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 18, 2004
Southern California
my fish devolped tail rot about 6 days ago. i rushed out to get medicine for them and i was told that maracyn is the fastest and safest. I have my fish set up in a hospital tank and today is day 5 of their treatment (its supposed to be the last day) i was told that i should notice changes after a few days, and i did, but not all were good. Some of the fishes tails seemed to be growing in, but the next day they looked worse than before. I have studied the tank to see if any of the fish are being aggressive, but i have yet to catch that kind of behavior. Basically the tail and fins seem to get better, then worse, the back to better again.
So since the tails and fins havent gotten better, should i continue the treatment even though it says 5 days are good?

i have also noticed that after dropping the pill in the tank, the fishs' eyes seem to get dialated and they get really skittish. Is that normal?
What size is the qt tank and how many fish? Also was this tank setup before or is it new and therefore has no bacterial culture to stio the rise of ammonia. With Maracyn you are not supposed to do water changes but in a new tank that can lead to high ammonia and nitrite.

I used Maroxy for rin rot and while it stopped the disease my fish never fully grew back their fins. It is almost 2 years now and they still look ragged but are quite healthy regardless. Sometimes fin damage is permanent.
the qt tank is 10 gal and there are 11 fish(they are all small)
the tank is new but i used 3 or 4 gallons from the normal tank to fill it as well as using the filter from the normal tank. i also added a small handful of rocks from the normal tank.

how can you tell if the fish are healthy then? im worried that if i put them back they will just start dying off.
Well I guess I would leave them in the qt tank for a couple of weeks and watch them. They might not change much but they should not get any worse.

Using the filter and rocks was a good idea but don't bother with the water as there is really no good bacteria in it. The bacteria lives on surfaces. You should use it if the tank water is very different from the change water (which it shouldn't be). It really is just old water.

Good luck and I hope your fish get their fins back unlike mine, the crazy ragged tetras.
You need to figuire out was caused your fin rott. Right now I have a either a body fungus or a true fungus causing tail rott along with pop-eye. I used maracyn for 5 days...cured some but not all and no pop-eye cure. I'm now starting to use maracyn-two. I would suggest to you to go out and buy some maracy-two and use it along with the maracyn. Its very safe and effective. The eye situation you described could be pop-eye. Have you noticted any white slimy looking spots on any of your fish? Make sure you figure out what is causing this fin and tail rott. Maracyn-Two helps fin and tail rott and Alli recomended it to me for bad causes of tail and fin rot.
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