Marineland Airmaster Air Pump any good?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 14, 2005
San Jose, CA
Considering replacing my air pump since it seems to pump out much less air than before. I tried brushing the bubble wand but that did not improve the air flow. I went to PETCO got a Hagen 799 pump(rated up to 5 gallon) to do a test. Sure enough that little pump seems to put out a whole lot more air that my old unknown or no brand pump . Since the Hagen 799 pump is noisy, I am going to return it. Does anyone here ever used a "Marineland Airmaster Air Pump?" I can't seem to find a whole lot of reviews about this pump. I am considering the Rena but the price have me rethink it's competition. I have a 46g tank & considering the Marineland Airmaster 2000.

Appreciate any feedback :)
I've been using a Airmaster 3000 for about 6mt now with zero problems. I bought it because it was the best bang for the buck pump out. An added bonus, it came with an air check valve and the air flow is adjustable via built-in knobs on the pump itself.

I say... go for it. :)
I have a Rena 200 and though its advertised as being one of the quietest, I can't really hear the difference. I'm looking at the Marineland pumps as well. Although sometimes you can find some pretty good specials on the Rena pumps, so their prices don't seem so bad.
That's right TygGer, I like the Marineland pumps due to the adjustable valve/flow feature, which seems to be nice. Okies, I think I'm gonna give it a shot. Thanks again for you feedback!
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