Marineland LED lighting

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 3, 2011
I just bought this brand new LED lighting for my 55 gallon tank but I wasn't sure if it would help the plants out through photosynthesis. Can someone possibly help?


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Do you have a full tank shot? I've looked at these things a few times at the store and I'm curious as to how much light they give off. I believe they are supposed to be full spectrum if so they would be fine for plants as long as it gives off enough light.
Oh **** yea sorry it was at night nd I was kinda drunk. But I placed a day and night shot of the lamp. I love it because its very very strong. Lights up the whole tank completely...compared the first 2 to the last. The last one is this lamp that i got as a substitute a while back because wen I got the tank, it didn't come wit the hood light.


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I just looked at the picture quality nd decided to retake the day one bc it's so much better


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Shadow47 said:
I just bought this brand new LED lighting for my 55 gallon tank but I wasn't sure if it would help the plants out through photosynthesis. Can someone possibly help?

Are those the reef, double bright, or the single bright LEDs?
hippy guy said:
Cool and btw the moon lights are wayyyy brighter, it just won't show up on camera

I have the same problem! The moon lights look great in person but then the look crappy in the pictures.
I've read in smaller more shallow tanks the doublebright can grow babys tears slowly...its a good setup,, the singlebright iis good for me, so far java fern seems ok
hippy guy said:
I've read in smaller more shallow tanks the doublebright can grow babys tears slowly...its a good setup,, the singlebright iis good for me, so far java fern seems ok

On my 40 gallon high tank I have the marineland reef led and a duel T5HO fixture and my hc is very happy. I did an experiment for a day and I didn't turn on my T5HO and most of the plants still perled (not the hc). But my Java ferns, Amazon sward, hornwart, and orchid Lilly all had some perling going on. Also keep in mind that my tank is 24 inches tall (aka it is a long ways down to the hc)

**Edit** and I also have pressurized co2 and I dose with pps pro and I have specialized plant substrate
Marineland lighting

I have the single bright LED for my 36" wide tank. I just love it! The blue light at night is very soothing as a nightlite for he kids too! When I turn on the white lite in the morning-all the fish head to the top as they have learned that turning on the light = eat! :cool:
fishfanatic said:
Are those the reef, double bright, or the single bright LEDs?

Nah it's the single ... The reef was like 400 bucks this was only 2 I think
So after using fourish exel for 2 days, and using the marineland single bright in my 10 gal I appear to see some pearling going on, is this because its so close to the leds?


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I assume the plants were not just introduced to the tank. If they were, then it could just be air bubbles from the process of adding them to the tank.

However, if the plants have been in the tank for a while and it is pearling, then that is good. That means you have the right CO2 and light levels for the tank. Pearling is just the plants giving off O2. Consider it a sign that things are good.
Well some are, its java fern, and its been a couple weeks for this paticular guy. Another question though, how dead is too dead? Some leaves are brown, were like that wen I got it..
Is your LED's over "open" water? I've read around and everyone says the manual said its not recommended, but there isn't any personal experience. What is your opinion on this?
Henry405 said:
Is your LED's over "open" water? I've read around and everyone says the manual said its not recommended, but there isn't any personal experience. What is your opinion on this?

I had mine over an 'open tank' for about a week, until I noticed hard water spots on the LED lenses (I also found some fish that jumped out of my tank :'(). I now have my tank covered with a sheet of glass. The LEDs stay clean and my fish stay in the tank ;)
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