Mature chilid death

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 12, 2012
I have a ongoin tank and the tank does great but once the fish mature they die i dont get it...i dont think my ph is high enough ..can that be a good reason
Please help
There are all sorts of potential reasons such as aggression, water quality issues, or a dietary problem.

What size tank?
What type of cichlids and stock?
What size tank?
72 gallon none aggresive no fighting maliwa chilids pecos and some bala sharks bc had them since the start!water clean n clear sometimes gets cloudy but not to much ph level is not were its supposed to be for chilids but they are happy until they mature then all of a sudden them they die...
Allso i feed them once a day and recent one thats looks like its dying hasnt eaten in 1 week actually hes my fav its the one in the picture
72 gallon none aggresive no fighting maliwa chilids pecos and some bala sharks bc had them since the start!water clean n clear sometimes gets cloudy but not to much ph level is not were its supposed to be for chilids but they are happy until they mature then all of a sudden them they die...

I'm sorry. But you are going to have to try this again.
Do. It could explain your problem in one easy step. If you dont have the equipment to do a test. Do a part water change daily until you can buy a test kit. Cloudy water can mean bacterial blooms you may have ammonia problems. How long has your tank been up?
If it were any kind of water quality issues the smaller fish would be effected, the reason your only seeing mature fish passing is aggression. Whether your seeing it or not, it simply boils down to dominance. A mature Cichlid will generally not see a smaller fish as a threat initially but when the fish matures this rapidly changes for the alpha fish in the tank. What your experiencing is fairly common, could you actually list the species of Africans your keeping?
Venitis electric yellows convics blue ones white ones yellow strippes
You have new worlds in there with your old worlds. This is probably your problem. Mixing these species of fish is not a good idea and more times than not ends with stressed and dead fish. I think you need to rehome some fish and start over with your stock.
And very different aggression levels, melanochromis auratus with yellow labs, as I've learned the hard way, not a good idea
But i dont understand nobody fights ever never. See any aggressiveness
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