Max's 40 Breeder Build

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Now that's a sweet looking tank, I can just imagine what it's going to look like when the plants grow out. I agree with fort on the rear left upslope, gives it a more natural feel.

Did I mention those Manzanita (I assume) DW's? No? Well they look just as sweet!
I just ordered a bunch of HC for my other tank- I might end up planting some in this one too.
Just got done attaching flame moss to the driftwood! :)



The blyxa looks really happy:

Here's an FTS from tonight:


I really like the moonlights on this tank.

Your tank looks awesome!

Just wondering if your tank bows slightly? I just got rid of my 40b because it was bowing and there not being a center brace freaked me out
Your tank looks awesome!

Just wondering if your tank bows slightly? I just got rid of my 40b because it was bowing and there not being a center brace freaked me out

Yes, it does bow slightly- most Aqueon (AGA) 40 breeders (without center braces) bow slightly. I don't think mine will be an issue, because it only bows about .4". It has pretty thick glass (about .25 inch), so I am sure it isn't a problem.
Yes, it does bow slightly- most Aqueon (AGA) 40 breeders (without center braces) bow slightly. I don't think mine will be an issue, because it only bows about .4". It has pretty thick glass (about .25 inch), so I am sure it isn't a problem.

Gotcha :) well your tank looks awesome so far

I just added some staurogyne repens in the back between the driftwood pieces.



The micro sword is sending out new runners.


The blyxa looks really good. I think it has grown a bit!

I added a mat of HC and did a water change.



I also tested the water today.
Ammonia: 4 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 5 ppm
The plants have definitely filled in some space, although the micro sword seems to be yellowing a little bit.





:mad: I need to get assassin snails soon

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