maybe I'm getting ahead of myself

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sally pu

Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 4, 2012
Long Island, NY
Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here, but I would much rather know everything before I get back into the groove. Finally got an apartment with my gf and am waiting to move in before starting my tank builds.

I am planning on doing a low tech lightly planted 55gal and have no idea what I will do with my 29gal. Anyway my main concern is filtration and lighting. It has been a while and with all the new tech (led's radion's, etc.) I have no idea where to start.

I would like my 55gal to resemble a natural environment so driftwood or manzanita will be incorporated as well as various small plants and maybe an amazon sword as well as some rocks. I would like to use sand or similar substrate and maybe throw in some man made construction as well (clay pots, etc.) Here I go again getting off topic...sorry I go off on wild tangents sometimes, bear with me

Anyways like I said I just need some options as far as filtration for both tanks and lighting for both tanks. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in Advance!

sally pu said:
Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here, but I would much rather know everything before I get back into the groove. Finally got an apartment with my gf and am waiting to move in before starting my tank builds.

I am planning on doing a low tech lightly planted 55gal and have no idea what I will do with my 29gal. Anyway my main concern is filtration and lighting. It has been a while and with all the new tech (led's radion's, etc.) I have no idea where to start.

I would like my 55gal to resemble a natural environment so driftwood or manzanita will be incorporated as well as various small plants and maybe an amazon sword as well as some rocks. I would like to use sand or similar substrate and maybe throw in some man made construction as well (clay pots, etc.) Here I go again getting off topic...sorry I go off on wild tangents sometimes, bear with me

Anyways like I said I just need some options as far as filtration for both tanks and lighting for both tanks. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in Advance!


I have a 55 with 2 t8 bulbs and I can grow low light plants alright. My filter is an emperor 400 rated for 80 gallons. Most people recommend either a single filter or multiple that rate for twice the amount of water in your tank. (I'm planning on adding another filter later).

For your 29 a filter with a rating of as little of 50 gallon will work as long as your bioload is average and not overstocked.
^thanks so much for the quick reply...I always find myself doing more research than I probably should and then I just end up getting confused.

the only question I have is the t8 bulbs are still there another option if I head down the path of LED lighting?
I always end of doing more research then needed lol. I have never used led lighting but some people have had success with them. Hopefully someone else with experience in them will be able to help out :) I know marineland makes some but that's about all I know. What kind of plants are you thinking of growing?
I was thinking of doing some dwarf baby tears along the bottom, a few moss balls, an amazon sword, some anubias, some cabomba and some dwarf hairgrass....but I don't plan on going too crazy these were just some ideas I got after researching into what plants are easily maintainable

Do you have any suggestions? or cirticisms about what I have chosen? I was also thinking as far as substrate they would be fine in a sand base? Not sure how this stuff works either its gonna be my first time with live plants. I feel like I'm basically a beginner all over again!
If you want live, low maintenance plants I would suggest trying Java fern. It will likely just be three or four leaves when you get it from the store, but grows slowly but steadily. Also, you will need root tab fertilizers for some plants and weekly doses of liquid fertilizer for others. It's not hard, but something to know. Otherwise, like me, your plants will start to show holes and yellow leaves and you'll be wondering where your nice looking plant went.
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