Mbuna and clown loaches

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 28, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
I was sitting around tonight watching my 84G community tank and my 3 clown loaches are having a feast on my big angel fishes lower fins. They wouldnt let up, so I took them out and put them in my 115G with my Mbuna. You thing they will be ok in there? If not I have alot of people to take them off my hands. They are just a little smaller than my mbuna. I know already the greshakei wont let them near his cave!
If not, the mbuna will have free lunch. That is a good question, and i cant wait to see what happens. I think clown loaches are just awesome looking fish. I would love to put a few in with my mbuna, but im afraid they wont do so well...
Been almost 3 hours and everyone is getting along and the loaches are loving the PFS. I may be on to something here!!!
Hopefully no one is floating in the morning....fingers crossed. Friends have said they will be ok.
if your mbuna are like mine, there wont be any floaters... i had a fish die on me, saw it, had something to do before i could get it out, went back to get it, just a tiny piece was left...
Hmm - not sure if the solution will work long term, but for what it's worth, I have seen a few YouTube videos of Mbuna tanks with Clown Loaches in them.

Hopefully it works out. Wish you lived near me, I'd take those Clowns for my barb tank! :)
What is your PH at? I find that the single issue with keeping most fish with mbuna and peacocks. Most require a high PH.
This morning all is fine. YAY!! I guess they can stay. Have to pick up some hoses for my filter this afternoon, might be picking up some bolivian rams to put in the 84G while I am at the shop getting the hoses for the XP3.
I have had three clown loaches in with my mbunas for almost a year and they are a happy family. dont think I have seen any of the guys messin with them
Ya, mine have been in there 5 days now and every one is doing great! Guess I should have put them in there a while ago. Something really wierd is happening though. The male greshakei is actually letting one of the clown loaches share his cave! He chases everyone out except for that one loach. I am at a loss. I dont get it. Maybe he just stuck up for himself or something. I dont know.
I love the clowns, they have such personality i could see them with about anything. I was surprised to here them picking on the angels.

I lost one of mine for about three weeks after introducing them. Now they are always out and in the middle of all the action. Here is a shot with one of them in it


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I was surprised to see them go after my angels too. They were in there together for a long time, then all of a sudden they started to go after them. I dont know why, but they are happy in the tank with the cichlids so it worked out. And the cichlid tank is bigger to, so in the long run they will be happier.
Best friends

Here is a pic. My loaches are about the same size as my Mbuna. They so like each other though....


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They look good, I have found them to be a good mix. You and they will be happy there.
I have never kept clown loaches with my mbuna but a friend of mine kept 2 of them in a tank full of mbuna. The mbuna mostly ignored his loaches. I think a concern is maybe the water conditions. I bet the colours of the loaches looks great with the mbuna though.
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