Medicating fish

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 8, 2011
Hi all, I noticed my female angelfish was developing some small holes around her face and it even looks like she has a cleft lip, so I've moved her from my main tank to a 90L hospital tank. I used Esha Hexamita and Esha Exit for the 3 days stated. I didn't give any extra as she was still eating fine and active she even laid eggs in the main tank after I noticed these wholes but I thought better safe than sorry. I finished the treatment 3 days ago and done a 40% water change 0 ammonia 0 nitrite 5-10ppm Nitrate and 7.6ph 25C water temp but today it looks like the holes are getting no better and I'm sure there is a couple more developing.

My question is should I do another 3 day course with both medications? Or is this normal and will take time to heal?

I've never had to treat HITH before so all help would be very much appreciated.

I've attached an image of her on the first day of treatment and one of her now although it's hard to see anything and the other side of her face is worse but not much worse.

I've only had to deal with hole in the head disease one time, on an Oscar, in a friend's tank. The Oscar was in a over crowded tank with less than perfect water conditions. By the time I was asked to help, the fish was too far gone to save. I have never seen an HIH infection on an Angel fish before, only on Oscars and discus fish.
From your photos it certainly looks like the angels sensory pores have spread, and if it is HIH you caught it early. From what I've read treatment of early HIH is isolation of the infected fish into a separate tank of pristine water. As long as your Angel is eating and acting normally that's how I would treat her. The fact that the medication used is apparently having little effect on the blemishes indicates that the ailment might be something other and possibly less severe than HIH disease. Hope she makes it.
I've only had to deal with hole in the head disease one time, on an Oscar, in a friend's tank. The Oscar was in a over crowded tank with less than perfect water conditions. By the time I was asked to help, the fish was too far gone to save. I have never seen an HIH infection on an Angel fish before, only on Oscars and discus fish.

From your photos it certainly looks like the angels sensory pores have spread, and if it is HIH you caught it early. From what I've read treatment of early HIH is isolation of the infected fish into a separate tank of pristine water. As long as your Angel is eating and acting normally that's how I would treat her. The fact that the medication used is apparently having little effect on the blemishes indicates that the ailment might be something other and possibly less severe than HIH disease. Hope she makes it.

Thanks for your input pal, she seems pretty happy just looks scatty and the male looks incredible. I'm going to try another round of Esha Hex and a large water change after to see how she responds and keep her fasting while the tank is medicated.
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