Meds and ferts?

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Feb 7, 2013
Perth, Australia
Hi all, something I have never thought about was if meds and ferts dosing can be mixed? And if they could react or something what would be the real problem ones.

I guess I'd cut out the ferts or shift to QT but thought this was an interesting article where furan 2 is unstable in the presence of galvanised iron. Old article but it made me wonder.
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You should consider setting up a Sterile Ten gallon tank to be used as a hospital tank if your gonna have big pretty planted fancy dancy display tanks. You don't want to pollute the water snails plants and sensitive fish with the chemicals I use. My tanks are bare bottom guppy factories. I have lost all interest in planted tanks after moving so many times and smelling the stinking substrate that always smells of feces.
I said forget it, this is not healthy for my fish, or my back! Ten gallon bare tanks for me!
True, true :)

Yeah, it's a bit theoretical as I have small tanks for sick fish.

But every so often I'll dose the main tank if I think a fish looks a bit iffy but I've got no chance of catching.

So pretty rare but it did make me wonder if there could be any interactions between meds and ferts.

For instance if for some strange reason I was dosing copper than perhaps skipping ferts micros with copper in them would be a good just in case. Stuff like that I guess.
Ya makes sense, ive always been under the impression that some decloinators like prime "removes heavy metals" actually remove stuff like fertilizers or other water treatments from the water. I understand dosing a little 1/3rd strength methylene or furan in a display tank just to "de-crud" it. Ive done it myself. :lol:
Other than that, i would keep my dispay tank pure clean water and just dose any sick fish when i see it in a seperate ten or something.
I think all too often we reccomend meds to people that are suppose to be used in a seperate tank because they kill off good bacteria and generally weaken the fish if the water is not changed soon or carboned out.
Good fresh chemical free water in any display tank with plants snails inverts catfish.
Ive noticed plants were definately doing better in my tanks once i understood that, and used Excel plus upped my water changes and turned off the lights for a good 12 hours. Before that, i never stopped having problems with brown and hair algae on weak growth and die off, probably from using meds on plants that were not intended to be used on them. Being that an average fish colst 5 dollars, a average plant 7.50-10 dollars, i say save your plants before the fish their more valualbale haha
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