Melafix safe for Bettas

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 25, 2011
Canada, Nova Scotia
i had two male bettas in a 10 gallon tank WITH A DIVIDER and when i was away one jumped the divider and attacked the other poor guy i was instructed to get some melafix does anyone know the dosage i was told to use 1/5 for bettas on a betta forum i just want to be sure and i have an aquaclear 20 filter should i take out the bio max filter?
I would start with .3-.5 of a teaspoon daily. If it doesn't get better in a week up the doseage to .5-1 tsp. You should take any activated carbon out of the filter. In most cases that is the replacable cartridge you change every couple of weeks. If there is a sponge or filter floss type thing, leave it in. It contains benifitial bacteria. Just a tip: lower the water level in your tank an inch or two so no more betta accidents happen.
Poor guy! Melafix should help him out a bunch. It's just ripped fins and all, right? If it's lacerations then you need to look into other stuff too.
no just holes poor blue i will drop the water level but blue has the 10 gallon to himself big red is now in the 5 gallon what a bully
Okay, good. Look for white growing where the rips are, that's a good sign. Good luck and don't get too upset with red. He's just being a grumpy pants.
lol i know iam not upset with him but big red is a grumpy pants and blue is very docile he never flares up or shows aggression of any kind i just feel bad for him.
Understandable. My bettas all vary greatly in temperaments. Just give it about a couple of weeks and his fins will be back to being pretty. One of my males had an issue with fin rot, so I'm waiting out to see how long it takes for half an inch of caudal fin to grow back.
i have diluted my melafix 1 part melafix 5 parts water as i read in a betta fourm and he is doing great along with a little aquarium salt
i know hes swimming like crazy and back to loving the current from the filter its funny he swims under it like hes getting ready and then up into the current for a ride its funny to watch cause i heard bettas dont like currents
My bettas play in the current too! :) They have places in their tanks they can rest, but they like to play once in a while.
Mine never go inside stuff either, just under, over and beside LOL. Make sure your decorations don't have any sharp edges for the betta to tear their fins on. ;) If you run a pantyhose over them and they snag, get some sandpaper and sand them when they are dry.

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