Melafix ????

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 24, 2003
West Virginia
Has anyone ever used Melafix for Ick? I was just wondering if it would work. I hate to have to go out and buy ick meds if I already have melafix....I like to be prepared! :lol:!
*nods and agrees with Gorilla*

Melafix won't do a thing. Its great for minor finrot/scrapes cause it has some mild antibacterial properties, but is the wrong sort of chemicals needed for killing ich if one is going to use meds. Go read the article I wrote (in the articles section LOL) for other options.
You need an ich cure. They should be readily available in most-all LFS-s. I used one from Dr. Wellfish, which cleared up my problem lickity-split. Medications kill the parasite in its free-swimming, invisible, life stage, not as they appear on the fish, as white dots. Also, diatom filters do a fine job, as they remove the parasites from the water. I'll let you know how mine (arrives tomorrow) cures the ich outbreak that I just spotted in my tank (fingers crossed for my sensitive neons).
Melafix does nothing. As far as meds go, the blue ich solutions available would probably be the mildest. Contrary to what people believe (including my pet store), even Melafix reccomends removing carbon.
I recently had my first bout with ich. My LFS (must have been a new employee) sold me Melafix, Quick Cure, and Maracide to use altogether. After getting advice from these forums, I cut back to just Quick Cure. My fish was fine after a week, but I used it for a few more days, just in case.
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