Merging 2 tanks

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 3, 2019
Keelung, Taiwan
I have a 3 gallon tank with one small common plecostamus and 4 neon danios in it - they seem to be doing quite well. I keep a close watch on my water parameters and do water changes often. I have inherited a 15 gallon from someone that is moving and can't take it with them and it has 4 red platys, 2 neon danios, 1 guppy and 1 larger common plecostamus. I would love to put my other danios in the 15 gallon tank once it is established but I have read that you can't keep 2 pleco's together because they are very territorial. Is this correct? Someone suggested that I transfer the danios and keep the small pleco in the 3 gallon tank and get a betta for that tank. Please can you tell me your thoughts and opinions on what to do.
Donate both of the common plecos to your local pet shop or to someone's pond. They are more suited for a 100 gallons or more. And that's for a single Common.
I agree with King Fisher. Common plecos shouldn’t be kept by most people because they don’t have large enough tanks for them
Yup totally agree with Kingfisher - your *little* pleco will grow into an 18" or larger adult given time. This is mine 5 years later in my 125g - he started in my 10g. Very few plecos stay small, BristleNose being the most well known variety.1563469956794.jpg
Thank you all for the advice. I want to do what is in the best interest of the plecos so I will take them to my local aquarium shop.

As for the danios, can they be added to the 15-gallon tank or would it be a bit overcrowded?
It will be fine to add them to the 15 gallon. I certainly wouldn’t add any more fish after that though as the tank would be on the full side
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