Milky White Stuff Blowing Around Like Cobwebs?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 25, 2004
Flower Mound, Texas
All of a sudden today, there is all this stuff blowing around in my new tank. It's milky white and as thin as cellophane, in little pieces the size of guppy... it came out of nowhere and if I had to guess there is like 50 pieces or so. This is a 150g tank with a dogface puffer, a lionfish, 120lbs live sand, 75lbs live rock and nothing else. Is this stuff some kind of algae? Parasite? Did my lionfish shed LOL? What the heck, I'm freaking out!
sounds like calcium precip? Have you checked your alk and calcium lately? does it look sort of like a snowstorm?
Yes that's what it looks like, and as quick as it occurred, it disappeared after posting this, I guess the filtration sucked it up? What do I do to fix or prevent this, I've never heard of it before and I don't have a test kit for alk or calcium.
A couple of tests that work very well for this are the salifert alk and calcium tests. You can get 'em from darin at captivereefs for example. They are very nice tests to use. While you are at it you could grab some stuff to raise alk and ca individually like seachem's reef builder (raises carbonate alkalinity) seachem reef calcium (raises calcium)

And you could also get a PH test too. These 3 things are very good basic tests to help you maintain good alk and ca levels and once you spend a little time twiddling with it you will find that it is pleasantly easy to do. For example I found that I had high alk in one of my tanks and I gradually brought it right into spec with just adding seachem reef advantage calcium.

The benefits are nice, like fast corraline and coral growth and water stability.

Steve - S had a nice article that he linked about understanding these levels that was very helpful to me. I will go scrounge around and look for it.

If ou did indeed have a calcium precipitation, the tests will probably tell you that you have very low alkalinity (it may havey crashed after the precip) which is hard on the critters. You might be best off doing just waterchanges to get things back to reasonable levels before you start hitting it with supplements.

On that note, regular waterchanges are essential for a healthy tank and will also help to prevent things like this unless your salt mix is way out of whack right out of the bucket. This is another reason why it is nice to have those test kits so you are not running blind.

Hope this helps a little
Actually this was a brand new tank that we just filled on Tuesday. Our local aquarium store came out and set it up, filled it, and we used that live wet sand (can't remember the brand) with the bacteria already in it, which is supposed to allow you to add fish the same day. We waited about 8hrs just to give the tank a while to clear up, and then moved our fish over from the old tank. They seem to be doing great, the lion is even swimming around now which is unlike him, he has a temper and usually just sits on the bottom for a week or two if anything at all upsets him. I guess for today I'll take a water sample to the LFS and have them do the tests for me and see what they suggest.
oh BTW if you have corals and stuff if they get disturbed or whatever they can produce all kinds of mucous that flies around like strings. But you did not list any corals so the precip is all I can think of.
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