Minibites or flakes?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 7, 2003
Yesterday i bought a different form of flakes,the "Tetra Minibites".These are small pieces of flakes,and fall down to the bottom a bit fast.Very thin,and small-sized.Someone proposed me this product,as it is said to be more appropriate for smaller fish (guppies,tetras etc).Well,my guppies and my tetras had no problem at all,but i'm a bit worried about the amount of the food that falls and stays on the gravel.Is it a good idea to carry on, feeding the fish with these minibites?

Getting a catfish,so as to eat the falling food,is a good idea?

tank:14 gallons
2 guppies,5 serpa tetras,2 swordtails
total fish size:10-11 inches

Could u propose me any other kind of food to feed the lifebearers,except for the "basic" flakes?
I do not know whether to carry on or not with the Minibites or whether to have a catfish or not BUT I have guppies and cardinal tetras and a cory (catfish) and I feed them the “basic” flasks and about twice a week I fed them frozen mosquito larvae . I think it is also called bloodworm.

I found a link to a website with pictures here

home page at

I have a little container that sticks on the inside of my tank and I place the frozen food in it and the fishes all eat out of it and the few bits of the food that fall down is for the cory. The fishes love the frozen food.
Couple of things:

Do vaccum the uneaten bits if you aren't already. Don't want it rotting on the tank floor and messing with your water parameters.

You may be able to squeeze 3 corys (minimum for corys) in there, but its gonna top out your bio-load; you'll have to be very strict in your water care.

Frozen food (not live; can cause probs if your not well up on em) are usually considered VERY yummy. Frozen bloodworms (which are actually midge larvae, not mosquito - I have the info on it if u want Gman) are good treats. Not as a regular daily food; too rich and missing some important nutrients, but a great snack a few times a week (my angels LURVE em).

As long as the fish like the food no probs; I'd continue to use it. Just either get the corys or vaccuum up the extra.

I like the container idea btw Gman; couldn't find one at the lfs. Can you get me a pic of yours so I can see if I can make one?
The top of the container is usually above the water line to prevent the fishes getting into it (I think) but I have moved it down so as to get a better picture.

If you chuck the frozen food directly into the tank, most of it will sink to the bottom of the tank and rot in the gravel. However if you place it in the container pictured, the fishes suck it out and it can last there for up to 8 hours before it is all eaten up. Little fall to the bottom Hence no more than twice a week and sometimes I do not feed them the day before.



Please lets have info on them please; can't have too much info
I would suggest getting a gravel vacuum as well and using it during every water change. I wouldn't add more fish to that tank. Also you might want to get 2 kinds of flake food. Variety is the spice oflife and all. A variety of food will keep the fish happier. With regular flakes I just grind them between my fingers into smaller pieces. I use them and the smaller live bearer food from hagen, which seems to float on the surface for a good while before sinking.
If you want one of them feeding rings send me an e-mail with your info and i will send you one. No Probs.
Hagen makes that little feeding ring. It is a really great idea, especially in tanks where the plants reach the surface. The food just gets caught in the leaves and looks bad.
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