Mirror Background

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 5, 2014
Charleston, SC
Has anyone used a mirror as a tank background before? I came home from college and took my dads old tanks out of the attic and he had custom mirrors cut to fix onto the back of the tanks. Ive never heard of this being done before. I set the tank up and it looks amazing! You can see so many new angles you wouldnt normally be able to see and it makes the tank look a lot larger. Highly recommend it if you have the cash. So far I just have the 23G set up but he also had a 125 with a huge mirror on the back I will be setting up soon. Ill post pics but it doesnt really do it justice.
I don't know if i would want to see my ugly mug showing up behind the fish when i watched my fish. Looking forward to seeing the pics though.
Like i said, pics dont really do it justice. I I took a video that shows it off better, but the iphone app wont let me upload it ?

Ill do it with my computer tomorrow.

Anyway, heres the best pics I could get. It makes it look like you have 2 of every fish! ? its also nice to see the backside of the driftwood.

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WOW!!! Hulka9 your tank is really nice, I love your setup, looks amazing... ??Although you say that the pictures don't do your tank justice, it does look cool. I like the idea of the mirrors.
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