Missing endler?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 8, 2014
San Diego, Ca
I have a 13 gallon tank. Parameters amm <.25 (high amm level in tap water...adding second filter tomorrow), nitrite 0, nitrate <10. Inhabitants: 5 neon tetras, 2 black flame tetras, 2 endler livebearers, 5 RCS, 1 mystery snail.

We added the 2 endlers on sat of last week. I have been keeping a close eye on them as I don't have a qt set up yet. They have been active and eating. No aggression or hostility with any tank mates. One prefers the middle to the too of the tank, the other goes all over, but likes to hide in the plants towards the bottom of the tank. Last night when I fed them, I saw the one that likes to hide on the bottom of the tank, seemingly swimming in place. I was worried, but as soon as I put food in, he started eating it off the gravel and driftwood, then eventually joined the masses at the too of the tank to polish off the rest. I observed him for about an hour and a half, and he was swimming all over the tank, acting completely normal. I saw him last at 9pm. At 8 this morning, I turned on the lights and did my normal stock check. I couldn't find him anywhere. I moved the decorations, ruffled the plants, checked the filter, nothing. There is no trace of a body either. Would the other inhabitants have eaten every last bit of the body, and that quickly?

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you should check the floor just in case it fell around and if it died the mystery snails would be able to eat it in one night..... this is from what have seen in my 10 gallon with mystery snails.
I have a lid, so I know it didn't fall out. The snail must have eaten it :( so sad! The endlers are my favorite!

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I would say if the filter didnt get him the tetras did. I have taken two half eaten rasboras from my tank and im pretty sure the tetras and cories are to blame( not for killing them but for eating them)
Yeah, I have a pre-filter sponge over my intake because of the shrimp, so it definitely wasn't the filter :(

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I found him dead yesterday. He was buried under some gravel and inside a decoration. I found him during a gravel vac :(

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I should add, there were no signs of disease or injury. I guess he was just stressed. The other endler is doing great now that we got him another companion :)

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Frustrating losing fish. But always remember the stressful journey they took to your tank. Shipping from a farm to a poorly maintained store to finally being sold to you. Lot to happen in a little fishes life that fast. Easily stressed.
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