Missing Tetras! Who's the culprit?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 18, 2006
Over the last 8 days 6 of my 14 tetras have gone missing. Not evidence of illness, no corpses, just gone overnight!

It is pretty clear they are being "Consumed" as I have searched the tank and they are too big to fit through the filter guard.

In the tank are:

2 Gold Pearlscale Angels - 2.5"
2 Gold Severum - 1.5"
3 Rosy Barbs - 2"
8 zebra Danios
3 pepper corys
1 Sailfin Pleco - 2.5"
1 synodontis nigriventris
3 Platys

oh, and 8 tetras!

I suspect the Angels as they seem to act like "hunters" when the lights are dimmed.

Any experienced comment welcome! :?
What kind of tetra has gone missing? If it's neons, yes, the angel is the culprit. Neons are natural pray.
If they were really small tetras, it could be the angels...but at 2.5 inches I don't see them eating anything unless they were really small tetras. The syno is an Upside down cat, right? I don't think they eat tetras. What kind were they?

JustOneMore20 said:
If they were really small tetras, it could be the angels...but at 2.5 inches I don't see them eating anything unless they were really small tetras.

They were small neon tetras. I had two sets, all but one of the small set have gone. After careful measurement the angels are actually a little over 8cm i.e. 3.2 inches.

I guess its the angels!
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