mixing cichlids

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 27, 2011
I no ur not supposed to mix cichlids from diff lakes and regions but I have seen a lot of cichlids all mixed up n larger tanks at the local fish stores n my area and they seem to b thriving. I also have mostly central Americans n my tank with 3 that I don't think came from the same region they are an ACEI and a johanni and an albino zebra I think
I have a friend that has a 75 gallon fishtank and she has allll kinds of cichlids in there..She has red parrots mixed with africans mixed with god knows what lol.But her fish seem to get along and thrive as well
I once had neons,guppies,bettas,rams,cockatoos,kribensis,danios ,and even a (small) frontosa in my 150 and it was great lol
...and they seem to b thriving...

It may depend on one's defination of 'thriving'. Short term/temporary co-existence is one thing. Co-existing for several years after all specimens have maxed out in size and are fully matured is another and this latter or ultimate end-state may not fit into the 'thriving' parameter.

For example, a full grown 12" frontosa could easily eat neons, guppies, bettas, etc. A small frontosa peacefully coexisting with those incompatible tank mates is a temporary state when viewing things from the long-term perspective.
Yea I knew the frontosa was only a temporary resident I was mainly trying to point out the diff water requirements the fish needed and yet they seemed to so well
Fish will acclimate to different parameters. I'm not saying a goldfish can adapt to lake Malawi but cichlids are somewhat hardy. However, just like said before once a cichlid matures their bully attitude does too and things WILL change.
So if I have a large enough tank I still wouldn't b able to keep my SA cichlids with sum malawin and African cichlids?
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