Mollie babies!!! :-o

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Any thing i should exepct with my mollie fry? Oh and i have to go to Virginia in a couple of days i'm going to be there for 3 or 4 days. will my 1 day old fry make it alone? I'm going to get one of those feeder blocks for them. and hopefully a divider for thhe 10g tank so they can have more space.
Use a very small feeder block and do a water change before and after you go and come back. Feeder blocks can cause ammonia spikes.
how big of a water change (percent wise)? Oh and i was thinking that i was going to need 2 little feeder blocks one for the fry side of the tank and one for the adult side is this ok?
I'd do 50%. Congrats btw. Depending on the size of the feeder blocks, consider cutting it in half. Adult fish can live without food for 3-4 days easily, the babies not so much. But if there is food on one side of the tank, the adults will try to get to it.
Well i got the feeder blocks. they are The 3-Day Pyramid Fish Feeder . These will work right? Keep in mind they need to work for my 3 day old fry (6 day by the time i leave). Oh and the lfs was out of 10g tank dividers so i had to get a net breeder. The net breeder will be ok for my 40 fry for about a week right? Oh and i just found out that i'm going to be gone for 5-6 days not 3-4 days will this still be fine as long as i can get someone to come over and drop another pyramid in the tank? thanks.
A net breeder will hold the fry and allow water to flow through. That should help with water quality while you are gone. Chances are good that the pyramid will last the whole 6 days even if it says 3 days on the label. Tank pH seems to affect how fast they dissolve and if you are neutral or above 7, the block will last a long time. It won't hurt to have someone check in on the fish but I would not expect them to run out of food.
well all of them lived the vacation a while back and i currently still have 62 fry with more due on Christmas day ( hopefully she'll have them late).
She decided to have even more yesterday. I guess a new years present :rolleyes: I put her and the male in the 38g today. And left the majority of the mollie fry in the 10. I put a white towel behind the 10g so you can see the difference between my new and older mollie fry.
Thanks. Yeah i'll end up leting the mollies eat the majorite of their babies to keep the population lower and besides it is a great nutrious food :)

I wouldn't count on the mollies' parents eating the fry. My guppies did that for about 3 or 4 batches then it seems like they grew tired of having to chase the fry before they can snack. Once the guppies stopped eating them I started feeding them to my neons and diamond tetras, they too grew tired of chasing them or lost their "sweet tooth."

I eventually had to separate all males and females, and even now..a month later, they are still dropping fry.
Ummm, I don't want to breed Mollies, but I can't stop them, so what do I do!?!?

My Dalmatian Molly just had New Year's babies. She already gave birth to 27 fries about 5 weeks ago. 26 of them have survived and get bigger by the day. I actually got another 10 gallon tank just for them b/c I was thinking I'd give most of them away when they get big enough.

Now, I've got somewhere between 15-25 healthy new fries and I have no idea what to do! The adult fish (2 adult Dalmatian Mollies, 6 teen-aged Tuxedo Platties, 1 cherry bard) don't seem to want to eat them and I am able to kill them by my own hand.

I live in Brooklyn and have no more room in my small NYC apt. I want to give most of them away, but I don't know how this works.

Please, give me some suggestions!!!

[FONT=verdana, helvetica, sans-serif]Thanks,[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, helvetica, sans-serif]Nancella [/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] [/FONT]

[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; [/FONT]
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather." [/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif](John Ruskin)

What I suggest to you people that are having too many fry from your live bearers, get a 55 gallon tank, get a bunch of cichlids, and give your cichlids some snacks :D
What I suggest to you people that are having too many fry from your live bearers, get a 55 gallon tank, get a bunch of cichlids, and give your cichlids some snacks :D


I wish I could do that... but I live in a typically small NYC apt and don't have room for a tank that BIG!!!

Any other suggestions?
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