mollies, mollies everywhere!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Aug 13, 2003
Austin, TX
well, i guess it's good to know that my fish are happy, but maybe they're a bit *too* happy. i've got 11 baby mollies and 2 still very, very large mommy mollies. does anyone have any ideas what i can do with them (and still keep them alive)? if any big chains (petsmart, petco, etc.) will ever buy/trade/take fish off your hands? i'm too much of a sap to just let nature take its course, they're just too cute!

thanks everyone!
I *think* most large chains won't take fish. I believe they are obligated to get their fish from their supplier. That being said, can't hurt to give them a call and ask. I'd also give any lfs a call as well. You'll probably stand a better chance there. They may not give you any money for them, but you might be able to barter for store credit.
LFS around nashville give 50% store credit. Which is pretty good if your trading a large fish in. Small fish count too in numbers.
You could repopulate your local brackish or saltwater body of water?!

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