Molly was attacked

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Mar 22, 2012
Vernon FL 32462
Have had my 20 gal tank for like 2 years and for like 6 months I have had 6 mollies I dragon fish a polecostomist betta 2 Cory catfish and snails with shrimp. My one black Molly was attacked and died tonight can anyone help?
What type of shrimp? I can immediatly rule out the cories but.... well I dont think the mollies would do that to each other. Dragon fish coulda done it and the betta is definetly a POP. Also your tank is pretty heavily stocked. I noticed you just joined. Are you new to the hobby as well?
No I been a fish hobbist for awhile and the dragon fish eats the ghost shrimp that's y I have the ghost shrimp and I never seen the betta attack anyone or be aggressive at all.
hmmmm...... Probably dragonfish. Make sure you dont have a large ghostie in there. Sometimes prawns are sold as ghost shrimp.
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