Moon Light

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 9, 2005
I'm wondering if it would be able to use a moon light in a 20 gal. With a pleco,cory,Green spotted puffer,and a gourami.
i've recently been asking the same question... is it safe and ok for fw fish to have the moonlights (led). I got the same answers over and over... yes it is ok and safe for the fishies...
it is all good ... the thing is, that some nocturnal fish may actually like it. (and cats would love you as well if i am not mistaken)
Go to your local auto part store you will be amazed at how cheap they are, they are already put together with resistors and all you need is an adaptor. Have fun.
I paid only $7.98 for a set of 3 and already had an extra adaptor around the house to use. It looks great
You could also opt for cold cathode lights. They are waaay too bright with their normal power, but with a 9 volt/1 amp converter they are just perfect and looks like the moon over the beach on a hot summers night. :mrgreen:

Thinks i found this imperial moon light and fish rac for about 10$ I Think im going to get It Thanks for your help
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