More Light!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Dec 2, 2010
I just ordered a 2 bulb fixture from! I am excited because I have desperately needed more light for my 29gal.

My one question is, if I have more light will I need to add a powerhead into my tank? It is planted and hopefully will fill in with more light, I dose excel, flourish and trace. I just wanted to make sure I will have enough oxygen, because I don't want any problems when adding the new light.

I have an Aquaclear 50 on the tank already, and I don't really want to add the powerhead because it is always getting clogged because of the plants.

Any info?
No, lighting won't play a factor in the amount of oxygen in your tank.. at least not really. If anything, it may increase oxygen though more photosynthesis, though it won't be anything noticeable.
Depending on Your plants and their growth requierements what you might need is a source of CO2 IMO. If light was your photosynthesis rate determining step CO2 might be the new one.
No, lighting won't play a factor in the amount of oxygen in your tank.. at least not really. If anything, it may increase oxygen though more photosynthesis, though it won't be anything noticeable.

I was thinking the same thing. Thanks!
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