Moss roof

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 1, 2014
I have that beach shack with the spinning water wheel from petsmart and I was wondering if there would be any way for me to grow java miss in the roof. I would like to keep low lights plants in my first aquarium to help with the cleanliness If Java moss would be ugly, what other easy to take care of plants would look good on a roof
You can use crazy glue and glue the moss on. I built a cabin for my tank and put ricci flutans on it. That didn't work out though. I am now trying dwarf baby tears. If that doesn't work I will resort to moss. Use gel crazy glue. It holds better. The moss may attach to the grooves on the roof. You could use fishing line to tie it down but it would probably be hard to work around the whole roof.
I want that old run down look so would Java moss be too tall for the roof or would I thin out
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