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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Oct 13, 2003
Hi, just wanted to let you know that we made our move to Wisconsin and all of our fish made it. We ended up setting up three five gal tanks in the back of our Explorer, it was quite a trip :eek: Our tank has been set up since 12/10/03 and apparently has already cycled. I checked weekly and there never was any spikes in ammonia or nitrites. The question I have now is that we are on well water with a softener (not kitchen cold faucet) and our pH runs about 7.5. I've been buying RO water from a local pet store and when I test the water in the tank (all RO water) it reads 8.0. The fish must be doing alright though, the angels have laid eggs twice already and again today - maybe she won't eat them this time! Would appreciate any help you can give me on understanding pH and exactly how critical it is.

Thanks for your help.
I'm sure lots of folks will pop in with suggestions and explanations. I suggest starting off here: as it explains it better then I LOL

Took my angelfish pair 5-6 laying before they didn't eat the eggs; don't be disappointed if they are eaten again. They WILL catch on sooner or later, although 8.0 pH may be a bit high for successful hatchings (I think TankGirl had some problems with that).

And congrats on the successful move!
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