Moving 2 tanks (10g/20g) Saturday. How to safely?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 29, 2004
I've been saving my aquariums for last but now the time has come to move them about 20 minutes away.

I initially figured I would remove the filters and decorations, scoop the fish out and put them in a bucket, drain 75% (or so) of the water, then move everything.

Instead of lugging a bunch of water, could I just have water ready to go (conditioned) at the new place, then fill the tanks up once they are setup? Would the adding of 3/4 worth of water possible stress the fish?

Another method I heard was to leave the fish in, drain 75% of the water and move everything like that.

Any tried and true "AA" methods would be greatly appreciated.
Another method I heard was to leave the fish in, drain 75% of the water and move everything like that.
No!! Tanks are not designed to be moved around like that.
Instead of lugging a bunch of water, could I just have water ready to go (conditioned) at the new place, then fill the tanks up once they are setup?
If the water has the same properties (pH, hardness) then, you will be fine.

Definitely check out the Article written by BillyZ (tetrin gave you the link).
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