Moving on to a bigger tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 14, 2019
Some advice please. I have a very small 7 litre betta haven in which Boris the fighter lives. I have ordered a 34 litre tank to reward him for living! What is the best way to deal with transfer. Because the 7 l tank is so small i think that I’m going to have to cycle the new tank from scratch as transferring over the gravel, planted bark and ornament isn’t really going to help with cycling. I could run the old filter in the new tank but it would still be a drop in the ocean! It took nearly 2 months to get the water right in the 7 l tank!! I have a test kit not strips. Any advice would be gratefully received. I want to put a few other small fish in too like say 6 neon tetras and a couple of small bottom feeders - should I put them in first when the tank is ready and then Borris or put them in together at the same time.
Transfer everything you can from the old tank to the new tank, now you are 100% cycled for Boris.

Run the tank for a few weeks and monitor parameters, do water changes as necessary. Then you can likely add some small fish, chili rasbora or celestial pearl danios would be a better option than tetra, as tetra are sometimes prone to fin nipping.

Pygmy cory catfish in a small / medium groups would work as well, and 2 or 3 oto cats. a few amano shrimp could work well too.
So should I put everything from the 7l tank into the new tank having put boris aside , put in extra washed gravel into the34l tank and top it up with dechlorinated and bio treated water. Seems a worrying amount of extra water. I’ll wash the new filter in a bit of tank water. Then put boris in. Should I put the old filter media which is a pad perhaps on The Gravel!! Sorry very thick about it all. I have had a large tank before and was middling successful!
Yes, just move over everything you can. You can just run the old filter (with its same, wet filter media) on the new tank alongside the new filter, or you might prefer just to take the old wet filter media out and put it inside the new filter. Don't rinse it in tap water, of course. If you have to rinse it, use tank water from Boris's old aquarium (where the good bacteria are).

Yes, test carefully and do partial water changes as needed, but moving the old filter media over should jump start your cycle immediately. Remember that the beneficial bacteria in that filter handled all Boris's waste before, so it should be able to handle his waste in the new tank, too.
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