Mowing Microswords Like a Lawn

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 5, 2004
lilaeopsis novae-zelandae to be specific.
Can it be mowed like a lawn. and how does this affect the plant, does it react like a terrestrial lawn? i love it but it's too tall, even at at about 2.5 watts per gal.
don't mow it like a's not like a terrestrial lawn at all. comparing apples and oranges here.

If you do mow it down, the tips of the cut blades will get yellow/brown and the plants will look like crap.
how tall is yours? I have Echinodorus tenellus and it stays under 5" tall. Your should be even shorter if you were sold the correct species you named.
two inches
which is extremely too tall. i'll just have to auction it off or try to trade for pellia... oh well
i had heard different so i had to check
oh pellia too. its just not to popular or easyt o find over here in the states yet
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