Mumma's 40L paludarium

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So, I was kind of naughty and I filled the tank one day early (according to silicone manufacturers instructions). I just couldn't wait to see how the waterfall went...

It works great!






I also went plant shopping. The biggest garden centre in town didn't have a great selection. Got some random $2 ferns and some more tillandsias, a well as a selaginella fern that I'm not sure if I want to pot or use in the paludarium.




The ferns will eventually get too big but I can always just prune them or remove them.
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I need some substrate suggestions for the land part. I would prefer to use stuff I already have but if need be I can buy one more thing. So far I have about 1/2-2/3 inch of gravel and a thin layer of unused carbon. I have organic potting soil and coco fiber. I thought I had sphagnum moss but it's disappeared. Was thinking a mixture of the soil and some peat? Topped with the coco fiber? IDK. I also have some vermiculite. I don't want to have to buy a big bag of something just to use a handful.
Great project!

What kind of glue can you use? For the sand and sticking the foam to the glass?

I love the Arrowhead plant, Syngonium podophyllum, it comes in soooo many leaf and color variations.
Autumnsky said:
Great project!

What kind of glue can you use? For the sand and sticking the foam to the glass?

I love the Arrowhead plant, Syngonium podophyllum, it comes in soooo many leaf and color variations.

Thanks :)

It's 100% silicone. I used clear and black. 3 tubes altogether.

I have some syngoniums in my ripariums. I was just thinking how one would go. I mean I know it would grow great but it might be a bit too tall...
Looks beautiful Mumma. It is amazing how you started wit a regular small tank, and turned into this beauty.
Can't wait to see all the plants in place.
I need some substrate suggestions for the land part. I would prefer to use stuff I already have but if need be I can buy one more thing. So far I have about 1/2-2/3 inch of gravel and a thin layer of unused carbon. I have organic potting soil and coco fiber. I thought I had sphagnum moss but it's disappeared. Was thinking a mixture of the soil and some peat? Topped with the coco fiber? IDK. I also have some vermiculite. I don't want to have to buy a big bag of something just to use a handful.

What you eventually desire to place in the this tank should play a roll here. If you're thinking at some point you might like an amphibian or something similar, skip the vermiculite. Other than that I think you are good to go. I went ahead and just mixed my coco fiber in with the organic soil, but have seen where others just toped the soil with the fiber. However, if you have something in mind that will be moving between water and land, I would mix them as they are far more likely to drag the fiber with them into the water.
ejaramillo01 said:
Looks beautiful Mumma. It is amazing how you started wit a regular small tank, and turned into this beauty.
Can't wait to see all the plants in place.

Thanks :)

Wy Renegade said:
What you eventually desire to place in the this tank should play a roll here. If you're thinking at some point you might like an amphibian or something similar, skip the vermiculite. Other than that I think you are good to go. I went ahead and just mixed my coco fiber in with the organic soil, but have seen where others just toped the soil with the fiber. However, if you have something in mind that will be moving between water and land, I would mix them as they are far more likely to drag the fiber with them into the water.

I'm not really sure. Vermiculite is inert right? Why is it no good for amphibians? Do they eat it?
So you don't think I'll need anything like peat?
Sorry for the million questions. I don't want to have to replace it all if it goes wrong. I'm finding there are so many different combinations of things to use and I think I'm starting to over think it a little too much.

Autumnsky said:
Some of the arrowheads have a more vine type habit. Some with the pointier leaves.

Either way it is a miraculous transformation!

Come to think of it I knew that. Lol. I had one years ago that grew a massive vine around my bathroom. Then we went away on holiday and it died.
Thanks :)
Meh! I'm just going to go with the soil and coco fiber. I've been doings heaps of reading on other forums and it seems like it will work fine. I put down some mesh and then covered it in gravel in the areas where water will be running through it. I want the plants roots to reach the water so I'm skipping the mesh in other areas. Let's hope I don't regret that.
Just got done with some planting.
There is:
Ludwigia peploides
A small anubia that I have submerged and under the waterfall
The two ferns one if which I'm fairly sure is a maidenhair
A cutting of devil's ivy
Arrowhead that I'm hoping won't get much taller
Java moss
5 different tillandsias
A tiny crypt I found growing emersed in an empty tank
Pearl grass under waterfall

I still need something to put in the two wall planters (aka giant holes in the styrofoam)






Still have the underwater section to do. It needs sand and plants but I'm waiting to see if any dirt escapes. It will be easier to clean up if there's no sand.
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I would not put amphibians in there. They have soft stomachs and will cut them on concreate :(
Autumnsky said:
Really nice!

The Pothos will get rather large for that spot I think, though you could aways trim it to stay in check.

Yeah I know :) If it does well I'm going to see if I can train it over the top of the water fall.

Bearchumjs said:
It's looking great! I feel like you need a salamander or frog or something in it! It's beautiful!

Thanks :)
I don't know anything about frogs or salamanders but it seems too small to me plus my hubby is totally creeped out by frogs LOL!

Ctetra18 said:
I would not put amphibians in there. They have soft stomachs and will cut them on concreate :(

I wasn't planning on it. It's not concrete. It's PFS on silicone.
Really nice!

The Pothos will get rather large for that spot I think, though you could aways trim it to stay in check.

You can trim the Pothos but you will have to keep the roots trimmed also. Here is a Pothos that I keep on the corner of my 220g tank. This pic shows the roots shortly after trimming. They had almost reached 30" to the bottom of the tank before I cut them, although the fish love them that long and frilly.


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I have now added some plants in the underwater section. I just threw in what I had on hand.
Plants include some random cyrpts, small anubias, hair grass, sunset hygro (I think) and some chainsword.



And I found that one of my tillandsias appears to be preparing to flower!
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