Mutant Ghost Shrimp pictures

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Nov 19, 2003
McKinney, Tx
I finally took some good, clear pictures of my giant ghost shrimp. They are bigger than some of my fish and thy don't seem to quit growing!

The pix are in my gallery if you want to check em out =o)

Thats what I have/had...

But I did fidn one tonight, so all hope is not lost.

Are you planning to add any fishs to the tank? If so, what types wont eat the shrimps? And how big will they get, mine are about 1/2 inch...
I have fish in my tank and so far no problems. I have two common goldfish, a calico goldfish, 2 white clouds, 3 head tail lights, one guppy, 3 brilliant rasboras and 3 small rasboras. At one time I had three balloon mollies and they left them alone as well.

I have no idea how big they are going to get. Right now my largest one is about an inch and a half and the others aren't too far behind that. When I first got them, some were so small it was hard to find them but now all of them are large and very easy to find and ive only had them for less than a month so I dont know how big they are going to get.

Never put a betta with a ghost shrimp. I learned that the hard way when I had a betta.
Bettas attack ghost shrimp? I must have a wimpy betta. He has never even looked sideways at the ghost shrimp.
Thats great to hear, I might go get some more. Mine are so small, I look for them in the middle of the night wiht a flash light. So far looks like 1 out of 6 is all thats left. I have 4 mono's 2 small Angels and 2 Glassfish. Maybe when the Shrimps gets bigger it can fend for it's self.

Well time to get the flash light and survey the tank again...
When I had my betta, Sir Edward the third, I purchased 3 ghost shrimp (the three muskateers) because the wal-mart tank mate tag said bettas get along with ghost shrimp. Well, my betta was in a large plant vase (the ones you buy for bettas and put the plants in them.. i never put a plant in it tho)

Anyways, one day I was looking at my ghost shrimp and only counted two.. so I asked my friend to see if she could find the third one.. we looked and looked and looked and she jokingly said "maybe he got out." I looked behind the vase and sure enough the ghost shrimp commited suicide and was dead on my table. The next day one of them was missing a head and the third one was no where to be found.

So much for Sir Edward and the 3 Muskateers!

Also, my friends bought their bettas ghost shrimp and they said theire ghost shrimp just disappeared.

Timanator- you might want to look under the gravel if you don't have any hiding spots for them.
Who knows....

I hope they grow big enough to be seen in a few weeks now that your story inspired me...

I have a dream, some day my shrimps will be big and plump...and visible.
haha maybe its the goldfish poo that makes them big *shrug*

Im sure they will get bigger. Does your fish food sink? Because mine get excited at feeding time and walk around with giant flakes because they sink. Im sure they wouldn't eat as much if my food floated.
Ghost shrimp are like little grasshoppers; they like to jump.

lyquidphyre said:
When I had my betta, Sir Edward the third, I purchased 3 ghost shrimp (the three muskateers) because the wal-mart tank mate tag said bettas get along with ghost shrimp. Well, my betta was in a large plant vase (the ones you buy for bettas and put the plants in them.. i never put a plant in it tho)

Anyways, one day I was looking at my ghost shrimp and only counted two.. so I asked my friend to see if she could find the third one.. we looked and looked and looked and she jokingly said "maybe he got out." I looked behind the vase and sure enough the ghost shrimp commited suicide and was dead on my table. The next day one of them was missing a head and the third one was no where to be found.

So much for Sir Edward and the 3 Muskateers!

Also, my friends bought their bettas ghost shrimp and they said theire ghost shrimp just disappeared.

Timanator- you might want to look under the gravel if you don't have any hiding spots for them.
Ever had Mono's and Angels?

Even sink food wont even make it to the bottom. My Shrimp gets Mono Poo and All the Algae it (Singular for now) can eat!!!!
Ive never had angels or mono's.

Also, if you have aggressive bottom feeders that might be a problem as well. They might think they shrimp are there for food.

Maybe you can hand feed ur shrimp =oP

Megalofyia- yes they do jump! I was cleaning out my tank for the first time and gave up on trying to catch them because of how quickly they get around when they jump
He looks just like one of my shrimp :) I'm a bit unsure what species the other of mine are, I should post some pictures.
Why do you call this Mutant Ghost Shrimp Lyquidphyre?

Mine were bought as small glass shrimps...Maybe my fish store likes to attach Glass to everything they sell?
I call them mutant because they are HUGE!

Ive never seen ghost shrimp as large as mine. Im sure there are large ones out there.. but it amazes me how big they are getting and how quickly they have grown.

Sinuhe- please do post pix!
lyquidphyre said:
I finally took some good, clear pictures of my giant ghost shrimp. They are bigger than some of my fish and thy don't seem to quit growing!

The pix are in my gallery if you want to check em out =o)

You have colour shrimp, not ghost shrimp.
I've got about 4-5 of them in my planted tank.

BTW if you have monos, you should problem look to returning them. They need SW conditions as they get older, they're actually a brackishwater fish.

Here, read this article

i have 5 right now in full SW, and have had them for over a year. Two are around 7" and the other 3 are pretty new, around 4"
They were/are clear but I think they are sheding or molting or whatever- thats why I was able to take better pictures of them. They are a lot clearer this morning

What is the difference between colour and ghost shrimp?
lyquidphyre said:
I call them mutant because they are HUGE!

Ive never seen ghost shrimp as large as mine. Im sure there are large ones out there.. but it amazes me how big they are getting and how quickly they have grown.

Sinuhe- please do post pix!

There seems to be a lot of large ghost shrimp being shipped around Arizona right now too. I got a batch that are enormous (my biggest one is in my gallery and I think he's bigger than yours!). I've seen several stores in the past couple of weeks with very large ghost shrimp as well.

They seem really hardy right now, too. The first batch I got (as feeders for my puffer), I lost 2 or 3 of them but I haven't had a single death out of this batch (aside from the few my puffer ate).

Weird thing is they got so big, my puffer won't eat them now! They're almost as big as he is! 8O
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