my 165L tank =)

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 8, 2010
Sydney, Australia
hey all! check it out! i tried to go for the natural look, i think its come out pretty good for a first tank dont you think ? =P


this was taken before i put in my first two fish - both are electric yellows =)
thanks =) although i have a question, whats the best approach to adding some more fish to my tank. what i wanted to do was add fish in groups of 4, or eventually end up with 4 of each species i end up keeping in there. for example, should i add two more electric yellows in a week or so's time - or should i add 2 more of another type and then build them both up to 4 of each. from what ive been reading cichlids are more aggressive if they are all in small groups and just looking for some newbie advice
hey thanks guys! the wood is driftwood from the local aquarium store, as im new to the hobby i was told that i could put it straight into the tank. i now know that is not the best approach as it made the water so **** murky! now its cleared up it looks great but man it looked so bad before! note to self, put driftwood into buckets of boiling water for a couple of days!
heres my first 2 fish.

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