My 6gal Edge and 55gal hex

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Mar 8, 2012
My Edge 6gal as of earlier today when I went on a hunt for some rocks down by the water. I'll be stocking it tomorrow when I head up to That Pet Place in Lancaster, PA. Unfortunately the local stores closer to me all have limited stock, and no choices for shrimp.

I'm open to suggestions for stocking the Edge. I'm looking for 4 or 5 RCS or Mandarin shrimp, 5 or 6 Cardinal tetras, and 1 or 2 of something else.


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And this is the Edge before, with one resident who has been moved out. That picture and the next also shows the difference between the stock halogens and after the mr16 conversion.

And my 55gal hex with a few ghost shrimp, 10 danios, 6 glass cats, 3 gouramis, and an angel. The first is before with the fake hollow log, and the after, after swapping it out for more rocks from my hike. I'm still not really in love with the set up, but its gonna have to work for now until I get some extra money to upgrade the lights so I can have start real plants in there as opposed to the silk.


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No it will house some tetras too, and my small angelfish from the other tank. We noticed he looks like he's been through a war and was probably being bullied by the gouramis so he got moved to the Edge last night.
You have inspired me to clean up my Edge. It's a little overgrown atm :)
Yeah I really do love the tank, but I'm a big fan of clean and simple. As long as they are kept clean they are beautiful.
Between $110-$140 depending on where you get it

No it will be 5 RCS, 5 neons, and my angel that I rescued from my other tank.
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