My 90gal. Mbuna tank!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 15, 2012
Corfu, NY
Well, It feels like its been awhile and I've come along way from when I first joined asking questions about cycling a tank and what not. I Just wanted to add an update to my 90 gal. Mbuna tank. Im sorry for the blurry pic, I will try to get a better one later. All the fish have grown quite a bit and I took out the sponge filter that used to be in the back and add a bubbler instead. I really like the way it looks. Let me know what ya'll think.

And I know my Mbuna mix may make some people say what the heck is this guy thinking but I really don't have too many aggression problems yet. Maybe its because they have enough cover.
The stock is:
4 Kenyi (1 male 3 female)
2 Albino Red top zebras
2 Red Zebras
^unknown sex
2 Melachromis(female)
4 Yellow Labs (Sex Unkown)
2 Yellow Tail Acei (Sex Unkown)
Common Pleco (will be re-homed when he gets too big)
The only thing I would do is turn the cichlid stones to where you can't see the holes in them. Otherwise it looks great ;) for the aggression it won't start till they get more muture
I see your point on turning the stones but I like watching them swim in and out of the stones!Thanks for all the kind words:)
Add a bumblebee I like all the so called aggressive species even tho they all can be nasty in there own right.
Tank looks great. I have a mixed bag myself.2 Bumble bee's, 2 blue acei, cobalt blue zebra, albino zebra, 4 yellow labs, 2 jewels, 3 peacocks. They are getting along at this point.
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