My CRS breeding tank

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FishWorks AK

Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 10, 2012

This is my 220 gallon crystal red tank. Before you ask, yes I took out the golden white clouds (mean little bastards). I thought the eggs would be good for the shrimp, didn't think they would be that predatory
I have gone from 6 to about 15 crystals and all are doing very well so I am about to put in another 100.


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FishWorks AK said:
This is my 220 gallon crystal red tank. Before you ask, yes I took out the golden white clouds (mean little bastards). I thought the eggs would be good for the shrimp, didn't think they would be that predatory
I have gone from 6 to about 15 crystals and all are doing very well so I am about to put in another 100.

Nice tank! ?

This is how the tank looks now, few changes with the top plants mostly
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