My danios are weird...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 19, 2020
Kent, England
I am a new(ish) fish owner and have had my fish for a few weeks now. My tank is 190l (second hand) and I have 4 platys, 4 black widow tetraa, 3 amano shrimp and 4 Danios.
When I purchased my danios, they were a healthy weight and quite slender, but now one of them (a golden danio) has had swellings in the stomach for a while.
I have not been overfeeding them, I keep watch on how much they eat (I feed them Daphnia and am about to add bloodworms to the mix, both frozen)

They have no problems swimming nor do they have problems eating, but they (as in the danio) has become a lot more shy and stays low.

I have done water tests regularly, as I always do, aswell as changing 10% of the water every couple of weeks.

There are no obvious problems, and the other fish are getting on as usual.
I think it is a pregnancy, and I am scared it is.

Extra note: I don't know the gender as the store never told me

I'll be happy to give out more information if you need it
For others who use gallons, 190L is appx 50G.

Danios - (which kind do you have?) are egg layers. So it often happens that the fish get so huge it looks like they might split.

But they should be active, eating and hanging around with the rest.

If it gets more bloated overall other than just the space where the eggs would be or if it starts hiding or staying at the top or bottom of the tank, that would be indicative of an illness, or eggbound.
For others who use gallons, 190L is appx 50G.

Danios - (which kind do you have?) are egg layers. So it often happens that the fish get so huge it looks like they might split.

But they should be active, eating and hanging around with the rest.

If it gets more bloated overall other than just the space where the eggs would be or if it starts hiding or staying at the top or bottom of the tank, that would be indicative of an illness, or eggbound.
I have two zebra danios, and two golden ones, which are swollen. I will do tests for sickness to be safe but if it is pregnant, what do I do??
Technically they are never pregnant. They will lay eggs and are called egg scatterers, as they just land where ever, and the males will go behind the female and fertilize them. After a period of time if not eaten, they will hatch.

It is unlikely but not impossible they would develop to adulthood. With the kinds of fish in the tank and the parents, they might eat them as well.

So just watching for signs of egg scattering, or illness...

To save the eggs in the future if you were wanting to breed, some hobbyists use larger pebbles, or marbles, or a screened false bottom for eggs to fall through. Most people do not bother with that.

If you can get a pic or 2? Might help to see if they look unusual.
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