My dwarf gourami's dorsal fin isnt lifting up alm the way.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 15, 2013
The front half is darker in color and won't lift up. I don't know if its a male or female but he is bright orange and white. It wasn't like this when we or her about a week ago. She's been eating fine (and I say she just because she's pretty. Like I said idk the sex) my boyfriend googled it and said it could be rot? Pleaseeee help I don't want her to get sick.
The pic with white rocks is when we first got her. The pic with black rocks is now. There's something wrong with her fin


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Welcome to AA!! Can you possibly provide some more information so we can better help you? Tank size? Stocking? Exact numbers for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph? Water change schedule? Thanks!
I do not have a way to personally test water levels our local pet store does it for free so I go there every other day. It's right beside where I work. I went yesterday and they said everything was looking great but didn't give me and numbers. As far as other info we have 6 neon tetras. About 3/4inch. Two guppies about the same size as the tetras. One corydora catfish and one sucker fish we haven't been able to identify et. This tank is new. We haven't done the first water change yet for this tank. We should in 2-3 days. The first tank we had we did about 15-20% water change every week.
Oh sorry the tank size is we think a 15 gallon. It was given to us as the previous owner wasn't sure. They just had a turtle in it. It has 14gallons in it now. We only have a one gallon pitcher to fill it with. We cleaned everything(rinsed in hot hot water) I didn't want to use soap because I read on several sites not too? For residue and other reasons I'm assuming.

I think it could be the rocks. They are the rocks his friend gave us that was in a 75 gallon tank. my boyfriend rinsed many times with hot water to make sure nothing was on them and didn't use soap.. I wasn't there so I'm not sure of his procedure but our gourami hangs out around the rocks alot inthe bottom and I didn't start till this tank.

Before this we had two 10gallons.
One had the 6 neon tetras and the weird sucker fish(we got it at meijers and they didn't know what it was?)

The other had the dwarf gourami, the Corydora catfish and the 2 guppies.

So I'm not sure like I said it looks better today because now she is actually lifting them up. But I still think something's wrong. And there are no cuts or scraps. No fuzzy red stuff or anything like that. It's kind of like stuff on the scales?

Or discolored only on the top later?

Sorry if its too much to read :/
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