My Electric Yellow Has A Hole In His Side.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 3, 2009
(UPDATE) My Electric Yellow Has A Hole In His Side.

Hi Everyone. I am new here so bare with me.

To give you a bit of history that has lead up to this point The tank is about 2 months old now and 2 weeks ago I lost a pictus over night for no apparent reason. One of the other electric yellows then got sick and died and we were able to diagnose a bacterial infection. Started to treat this with Melafix and everything cleared up with the exception of one more yellow dieing but I am sure the infection has done its damage before I started treatment.

After a week I stopped the Melafix and everything seemed fine. Waited a week everyting was normal so I decided on Saturday morning to replace the Pictus and one of the yellows. Went to the shop, bought the fish came home and that is when I noticed the hole that had not been there before I left that morning. So I added the fish and started treating with Melafix again.

He seems normal behaviour wise and is still eating but the problem doesn't seem to be getting any better. He is resting alot ontop of one of the ornaments and when he is swimming it looks awkward.

Water parameters are all good and none of the other fish in the tank are showing any abnormal signs. There is no redness or inflamation around the hole but occasionally something white seeps out.

Any help you could provide would be great. I would just like to know what is going on with him seems I cant find anything in a google search that matchs this. Below is a video of him. It is a little hard to see because of the video quality but the hole is visible just behind his pectoral fin ( I think thats what you call the fin on his side) when he is swimming to the right.

Thanks for listening


1: Electric Yellow
2: Am=0 Ni=0 ph Ph=8.0 Nitrate=20ppm Phosphates=.25ppm Temp 26c
3: 215 Litres (55 Gal approx) Tank has been up for 2 months
4: Using the overhead filter sysem in the aquaone Tank and Aquaone Aquis 700 Cannister
5: Fish types and numbers in signature
6: 25% water changes weekly permormed every Saturday
7: Had fish about 1 week less than the tank so about 7 weeks
8: No new decor
9: Feeds on flake food and frozen brine shrimp Block( Once a week) mainly. May occasionally get hold of some of the pictus's shrimp pellets.

There has been no change in the status of the yellow, No better but no worse but tonight i noticed something wrong with his belly that I would assume is related to the hole in his side. I managed to get a pic of it and have attached it below.

Could someone Please tell me what this is. I am staring to get worried that I am about to lose another fish.


Thanks for listening again. Hope someone out there can help.

Aquaone Aquastyle AR980 Tank using over head filter

Aquaone Aquis 700 Cannister Filter

2 Pictus
2 Peppermint Bristlenose
4 Electric Yellows
2 Flamebacks
2 Benga
4 Cobue
2 Eureka Red
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Do you have a way to quarantine this little guy? I think that is the way I would go at this point. I would QT the fish and perform daily water changes adding a small amount of salt until it is all healed. It is amazing how many problems can be fixed with just lots and lots of clean water.
I went and bought a small quarantine tank to do just that this afternoon after work but when I got home I found him sleeping on his side on the bottom of the tank :( :( :(. I just wish I knew what was the cause of the problem :confused:.

Thanks Happygirl but all I can do for now is keep an eye on the rest of them and hopefully it is not something that will spread.
Sorry Rosco. I wish you the best. Your tank is beautiful. With any luck it will not effect the rest of your fish. Let us know if it does.
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