My first 20 gallon freshwater!

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The Purigen really seemed to help the water stay clear. And its rechargeable which is fantastic. I'm really sold on Seachem.

It seems pricy at first but I think its worth the initial outlay.
The Purigen really seemed to help the water stay clear. And its rechargeable which is fantastic. I'm really sold on Seachem.

It seems pricy at first but I think its worth the initial outlay.

So it's a better version of carbon or do you still need carbon?
I have completely neglected rinsing off my filter media on a consistent basis. I just vacuumed the sand, got rid of the leftover peas, and it just popped into my head about the filter media. I have two to worry about. :facepalm:

Anyway, no worries, I rinsed off the filter media in the changed, old tank water, I squeezed out the sponges covering the intakes, am soaking the Purigen over night to recharge it (it was dark, dark brown), and rinsed out the intakes themselves. Then I did some plant trimming. I neglected to check for browning leaves which there were very few, but still.

The water is clearer, the fish are active, and you should have seen the dirty tank water after all that. Yeech. :eek:

Here's to not forgetting again. (y)

Earlier tonight I did check parameters. No ammonia, no nitrates, ph steady at 7.6. Nitrates were 40, which was what prompted the water change to begin with. I'm going to check nitrates in a few.

The nitrates went down a lot after the water change! From 40 to 5-10!! So you just forgot to rinse filter media or forgot to clean sand and everything too? I have had my share of dirty water after a water change. Lol. How's the guppy?
The Guppy is still alive!! And the rest of the fish too. No, I vacuumed the sand and was good about water changes but I totally forgot to rinse the filter media out once in a while. I'll have to set a reminder to do so twice a month.
The Purigen is not carbon, but it seems to "polish" the water like carbon. You have to rinse it before you use it, like carbon, but there's no crumbs or dust. It's a bunch of tiny, tiny, tiny round beads. I would buy it in its own filter bag, versus buying it loose in a jar, because its so tiny, that it needs a micro mesh bag to hold it. Seachem makes a media bag, but to me it was just as good to buy it already in a pre-sealed media bag.
Yeah, I think I checked too soon after the initial water change, so by the time I changed out another 4 gallons, it must have been well on its way down.

The fish immediately perked up too. Except the platys. They are a bit too bloated for my comfort. Hopefully a short fast will set things right.
Yeah, I think I checked too soon after the initial water change, so by the time I changed out another 4 gallons, it must have been well on its way down.

The fish immediately perked up too. Except the platys. They are a bit too bloated for my comfort. Hopefully a short fast will set things right.

About the fast thing, that happens for to my fish too. Especially my rummynoses. they get small bumps in there stomachs after a heavy feeding, and then I fast them for a day if I feel they are getting too bloated. They are always fine after that. Good luck! I have the same tank as you (20H), unless yours is a 20L. What is your stock? You should put it in your signature.
About the fast thing, that happens for to my fish too. Especially my rummynoses. they get small bumps in there stomachs after a heavy feeding, and then I fast them for a day if I feel they are getting too bloated. They are always fine after that. Good luck! I have the same tank as you (20H), unless yours is a 20L. What is your stock? You should put it in your signature.

I actually "torture" my fish. I feed them like every 1-2 weeks. Yet they are still fat! I don't get it. Lol
The Guppy is still alive!! And the rest of the fish too. No, I vacuumed the sand and was good about water changes but I totally forgot to rinse the filter media out once in a while. I'll have to set a reminder to do so twice a month.

Oh ok. If you had forgotten to do water changes and sand cleaning........
Lets not go that far. Lol lol lol.
Cool, the guppy is still alive.
About the fast thing, that happens for to my fish too. Especially my rummynoses. they get small bumps in there stomachs after a heavy feeding, and then I fast them for a day if I feel they are getting too bloated. They are always fine after that. Good luck! I have the same tank as you (20H), unless yours is a 20L. What is your stock? You should put it in your signature.
Thanks so much for the good wishes! Yes, it's a 20H, with flourite and black sand over it as a substrate. I had 6 guppies, but they died off one by one, except for one lyre tailed guppy. I have 9 glowlight tetras, the 2 red wag piggy platys :), 1 rubber nose pleco. I did have 6 green cory cats, but they were too big for my tank and needed a lower temp than the rest of my stock. So I traded them in, and got credit towards 6 salt and pepper cories. Which I can't wait to get this weekend! Oh, and I have 5 (out of 10) ghost shrimp.

I might get one more bigger shrimp or maybe some red cherry shrimp. One day!

What stock do you have? Is it planted?

Sorry for writing a book, can you tell I'm an excited newbie!
Oh ok. If you had forgotten to do water changes and sand cleaning........
Lets not go that far. Lol lol lol.
Cool, the guppy is still alive.
Oh no, I read about this for months before I started to think about getting a tank of my own. Actually, I'm driving everyone crazy with my constant worrying and testing. Lol. The bloom is off the rose as far as my 6 year old is concerned. Mommy, do we have to do this every night, when talking about testing the water.
Oh no, I read about this for months before I started to think about getting a tank of my own. Actually, I'm driving everyone crazy with my constant worrying and testing. Lol. The bloom is off the rose as far as my 6 year old is concerned. Mommy, do we have to do this every night, when talking about testing the water.

Lol. Even your kid doesn't share the same fish excitement as you. The vigilant testing will be worth it in the end. ;)
Thanks so much for the good wishes! Yes, it's a 20H, with flourite and black sand over it as a substrate. I had 6 guppies, but they died off one by one, except for one lyre tailed guppy. I have 9 glowlight tetras, the 2 red wag piggy platys :), 1 rubber nose pleco. I did have 6 green cory cats, but they were too big for my tank and needed a lower temp than the rest of my stock. So I traded them in, and got credit towards 6 salt and pepper cories. Which I can't wait to get this weekend! Oh, and I have 5 (out of 10) ghost shrimp.

I might get one more bigger shrimp or maybe some red cherry shrimp. One day!

What stock do you have? Is it planted?

Sorry for writing a book, can you tell I'm an excited newbie!

Can't wait till you get the s+p cories. Can you post some pics after you get them? So 5 of the ten shrimp died?
Can't wait till you get the s+p cories. Can you post some pics after you get them? So 5 of the ten shrimp died?
Well, either that or a couple might be hiding. I did see quite a few molts, but I've only seen five big shrimp so far. maybe a couple of the smaller shrimp are in hiding.

I will! I tried just now to get a pic of the pleco, he was out and about, but I had to use an indirect light to see him (the tank light was out for the night), and he scurried away. He's a little over an inch long. I will try again when he comes out again.

I am in total Christmas mode over getting the cories! Can't wait!!
Lol. Even your kid doesn't share the same fish excitement as you. The vigilant testing will be worth it in the end. ;)
Lol, yes, if I had been silly enough to depend on him to be excited about it, this would be a sad situation indeed. As it is, he still helps from time to time,but yeah, if there's Spongebob on, forget about it. Lol. At least he likes a "fishy" cartoon!
Lol, yes, if I had been silly enough to depend on him to be excited about it, this would be a sad situation indeed. As it is, he still helps from time to time,but yeah, if there's Spongebob on, forget about it. Lol. At least he likes a "fishy" cartoon!

Lol. "Fishy" show. More like a VERY fake "fish" show.
Well, either that or a couple might be hiding. I did see quite a few molts, but I've only seen five big shrimp so far. maybe a couple of the smaller shrimp are in hiding.

I will! I tried just now to get a pic of the pleco, he was out and about, but I had to use an indirect light to see him (the tank light was out for the night), and he scurried away. He's a little over an inch long. I will try again when he comes out again.

I am in total Christmas mode over getting the cories! Can't wait!!

I'm in Christmas mode for stocking my 55 gal ( prob in 2-4 weeks ). Hopefully the other 5 shrimp are still alive and just hiding. What's the parameters?
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