my fish start to dance like a drilling behavior

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Well, both of those pics look like fin rot to me. Black around the edges, or red (blood). But fin rot kind of looks like if you were to take a piece of paper or something and burn the edges. Being bitten looks like you just cut them off with scissors.
The fish is probably getting picked on by the other ones. Most fish will set up a pecking order to find out who's boss, just like other animals. There will usually always be a leader.

If I were you, I would quarantine the fish by himself to heal, and do water changes often to make sure it doesn't get a bacterial or fungal infection.
yeah yeah i think its like this......i dont think the fishes is sick.....because the other bigger fishes is in good health and perfect fins.
now i put the small convict in a plastic box which flow above the thank.....and it is getting well.....right now.
So you have 2 left? I would guess that the one that is okay has been picking on the other one since there are only 2 of them.
Make sure the water stays really clean, or it can turn into fin rot, fungus or a bacterial infection.
Good luck!
no.....i have 15 young convict not 2.........i have the sick one in the plastic box but the others is in the tank......and all my other fish is great and clean.
I would still QT him so he can heal. If you put him back in, he will probably just keep getting beat up. But make sure you watch the other ones now to make sure they don't start picking on a new one.
That is a TON of fish! I hope you have a big tank!
They could have been picking on him cause there was something wrong with him, animals do that too. Like mother cats will kill their unhealthy babies.
my tank is 180 liter is : 60 hight - 40 depth - 90 width..........the other fish is ok....but i got ot remove my finger fish and rainbow shrak ....those are the bad guys......

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