My Future Plans (in the next month)

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 7, 2003
Atlanta, GA
Don't know if anyone cares but I felt like posting :)

I'm thinking about getting a new 55 gallon. I'm gonna put a serious aquascaping effort into it though, my first truly serious tank. Gonna get some good lighting, good substrate, plants, some driftwood and maybe some rocks. Then I'm gonna transfer my 29 gallon into it, all the fishies. I think I'm gonna add 3 clown loaches then, and be set. Maybe dojo loaches though. I'm gonna buy another Emperor 400 for the 75 gallon, and move the extra Penguin 330 already there to the 55 gallon, so it'll have two 330s.

I'm gonna move my goldfish into the 29 gallon after that, and MAYBE get a third. They'll keep their current 330, and the 20GL will be retired, maybe donated to my wife's place of work. She has a 5 gallon setup now, with a snail and two frogs for the moment. The kids call the snail "Nitenite" or sometimes "Mr. Snail" .. Probably gonna add a few glow lights to the setup.

I'm considering feeding all my guppies to my oscars and retiring their 10 gallon as well. I don't have a lot of interest in them, my wife wanted them.. and doesn't really anymore. There's 2 females from the original batch remaining, and about 20 fry of various ages.

I'm also probably going to switch my 90G and 75G. The malawi have slowly been dying to battle attrition (Apparently over now, the last two Zebras have stopped fighting and swim together..weird) so I think they'd do fine in the 75G, while the Oscars really need that extra 15G for the future as they grow. I'm gonna get some rock from another forum member soon and I'll use it in the 75Gallon to finally give the Malawi some good caves and such. I don't know what I'll do with the two ship halves in the 90G, since the Oscars have no use for them. The two plecos will stay in their current tanks, no reason to switch them. That's the other reason for getting another Emperor 400. The 90G has the most cultivated biowheels, from the heavy bioload of the Malawi. But the Oscars will one day surpass them.. The malawi will need both 400s on the 75, and I don't want to put a 330 on the 90G.

So I'll be +1 bigger tank, but -2 smaller tanks. I think the fish that are in line to be moved are gonna be more happy as well. And the convicts will remain a food factory for the oscars.

Whee. That was fun.
ferret said:
I'm considering feeding all my guppies to my oscars and retiring their 10 gallon as well. I don't have a lot of interest in them, my wife wanted them.. and doesn't really anymore. There's 2 females from the original batch remaining, and about 20 fry of various ages.

All sounds great, but this above......find the guppies a home, don't use them as food. Heck, if I were coming to Atlanta in the next week or so I'd take them off your hands. I'm sure you can find someone in Atl who'd take them off your hands......
fandsw said:
All sounds great, but this above......find the guppies a home, don't use them as food. Heck, if I were coming to Atlanta in the next week or so I'd take them off your hands. I'm sure you can find someone in Atl who'd take them off your hands......

It just sounds a bit harsh because they were kept as pets.

Its really no different than buying feeder guppies! :wink: And the oscar's gotta eat.
Wow! I'm tired just reading about all the things you plan to do. That's a ton of work. Tiring, but fun.

btw, your first truly serious tank? With all the tanks you already have, I'm surprised! LOL

I love my tanks, but except for the three smaller ones.. They're plain and empty newbie tanks. The 75 gallon has a tree limb ornament that the pleco hides under, two java ferns, and 3 sword plants in a corner. The 90gallon has a few random swords and ferns, and two sunken ship halves.

My 29G and 20Gs are aquascaped somewhat, but its all plastic plants. They look good, but I want to make a REAL tank now, with plants and lights and all that stuff :)
Ah, I get it now! Well it ought to be fun to really go all-out then. I'd love to get a big tank and do something like that, unfortunately I don't have the space. Hurry up and get that new tank set up so we can all drool over your pics!
Ferret, where do you keep all those tanks? Do you have a dedicated fish room or are they strategically placed around the house? I'd love to get MTS, but there's only so many gallons of water you can fit in a NYC apartment!
3 on kitchen counter (2x 10g, 20g), one 20G on my desk, 90G against the wall of the 'dining' area, 29 and 75 against walls in the 'living' area
Looks like from my discussions in the planted tank forum that I'll shoot for a 75 Gallon. If thats the case I'm going to seriously consider getting 6 beuros aries tetras. I had them back before I had oscars, they were awesome fish. A little aggressive though, not sure how they'll take to my frogs. Fingers crossed.

Then either 2-3 Dojos or Clowns. I think I'll go with clowns but I'm not sure. I expect to have some snails from buying all those plants, but dojos are so cooool.

And then some sort of smaller pleco... Or a collection of otos. Or something. Argh, so many choices at 75G!!
I kinda ended up with a 90 Gallon, hehe

Been there! When I wanted a big tank, i went to the lfs with the wife, shoed her the 55 and the 75, as we had discussed. Then she saw the 90, and said, "go ahead and get that, it's only a few bucks more than the 75, and it looks much better."

After picking my jaw up off the floor, I got the 90 before she could change her mind.

Good luck with the aquascaping, I'm still crappy at it. I can grow plants like a mofo though! And the fish in that tank are the happiest, healthiest fish I've ever kept.
Be sure to get me a list of any equipment you want to get rid of, Ferret. I live in your area and will be shopping once my tax returns come in. I will be wanting a QT tank and a 75 gal (I found one I liked this weekend!). I can't take anymore fish right now until I get my 75 gal, but if you can hold them until then we can talk. :)

So don't forget us metro Atlanta people! LOL Even if no one from areas close to Atlanta wants to admit Newnan is metro! :p

90G: Now contains Oscars. Previously had African Cichlids
90G: Brand new tank, lightly-medium planted at this time, has fishies from the 29 gallon and some new ones.
75G: Has the above mentioned African cichlids, also moved it and got a new stand.
29G: The goldfish live here now
20GL: Retiring for the moment, soon to have shellies maybe!
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