My FW Tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 20, 2006
California & Tokyo
40 Gallon Tall All-Glass tank with an Eclipse all in one hood filtration (250 GPH) and lighting. I love how quiet it is, i cant even hear the bio-wheel. The few complaints i saw on the system can be cured by rinsing out the filter media occasionally, i think people expect things to take care of themselves too much :roll:

1 L-18 Golden Nugget Pleco
1 Austrailian Rainbow
1 Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami
1 Mystery Snail
8 Beacon Tetras
8 Neon Tetras

It was planted but i gave the last of my plants away earlier today. I am content with plastic plants for now. I feed the Pleco and Snail zuccini, and hikari algae tablets. The rest of the fish are on Bio-Blend and tubi-flex worms as an alternative to the flake.

Link to Tank Pics

I am thinking to add a few rasboras to the tank, or maybe a irridecent shark. Any ideas for a few more community fish? I figure i can handle a few more fish :)

I think I am doing alright, this is my first FW tank. I am a SW convert :D

More rainbows and the rasboras should be fine. Definitely not an iridescent shark though, they get humungous.
The reason why the Eclipse filtration gets complaints is because the water is not pushed through the media like a power filter. It runs over top of it. Yes, it is quiet, but it is not as effective as a hob power filter such as an AC.
Fishyfanatic said:
The reason why the Eclipse filtration gets complaints is because the water is not pushed through the media like a power filter. It runs over top of it. Yes, it is quiet, but it is not as effective as a hob power filter such as an AC.

I find so long as you put the time to maintain it that its just as effective as a HOB filter. I make sure to clean off the media 1 time a week, i check it every other day when i feed the fish. Since it runs over the media in order to get the most from it you need to be more proactive on keeping it rinsed and clean.


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