My German Rams are falling dead like flys!!!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 8, 2003
Glendale Ca.
I purchased 10 big and colorful , mostly male rams, and am now down to 2 in 3 weeks. I checked my water and it was ok. Ph was about 6.2. I read that they prefer lower ph and soft water. I read at a web site that these rams are hormone treated and have bacterial infections. They just seem so beautiful to pass up. Is there anyway to correctly diagnose them?
Uh, I don't know about RAMs..

But all males? Sounds like to me their killing eachother in territorial scuffles.

All males is never a good idea.. Specially so many.

But I'm just speaking out of my bum because I don't know this fish or how big it is.
When you say your water is ok, what are the exact parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)?

They could easily have come from the lfs with disease, but without any symptoms/more info its impossible to guess what it might be. Where any behavior changes? How were they eating? Breathing? Was there any fighting? Any marks, lumps, bumps, bulges? Color changes? Did they all die overnight or at diff times? How big is the tank?
The tank is 60 gallons. ammonia=non detect. nitrite =0, nitrate=10. They did not fight and the only symtoms were they would stay on the gravel and some would breath fast. I added a piece of drift wood, but i don't think that is it.
3 weeks is within the period that they could have been ill or had a bacterial infection prior to you buying them. Any other fish in the tank? They are my favorite fish!
I had the same problem with gold German rams. I bought two at the same time I bought my Bolivian rams. One gold one died within a week, the other a week later. The symptoms were exactly as you described--hiding near the bottom and rapid breathing. I felt completely helpless, and it was heartbreaking. They're beautiful fish.

I tried diagnosing their problems and medicating them to no avail. I tried praziquantel for internal parasites and various antibiotics. Nothing helped.

I wish I could help you but all my reading suggested that they're heavily dosed with steroids and antibiotics to keep them healthy while being shipped (usually from Asia) and they're generally just not that healthy by the time you get them. Mine appeared perfectly fine, too, especially the second one that died. Fine one minute and an hour later, panting like crazy.

My only suggestion would be to try finding them from a breeder in the states so you know they're not shipped overseas. I've seen some on Aquabid. I've decided to stick with the Bolivian rams. I personally think they're just as beautiful and mine are thriving.
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