My java moss wall

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 22, 2011
So I finished my moss wall... pain in the butt by the way... So my moss wall is 3'x3' which is way to big to try and put in because of the cross member but got it here is some pics
Definitely depends on light and other factors. However you can speed it along a bit by using some tweezers and pulling some of the moss through the holes a bit to get it going.

I have a smaller 5"x5" moss wall left floating in one of my planted tanks for about 3 weeks and it's just starting to poke through on its own now.

It looks good in there though, how secure is it to the back glass? Any issue with fish/inverts getting behind it? I attempted a 'moss floor' in my fluval chi once and it seemed like every creature in there found a spot to get in under the moss floor and would get stuck.
No I have it so they can't get behind it and their to big to go through the holes but there is some space behind so I'm going to get rcs so they can clean the java moss and any thing that gets behind it and they can have their own community without being bothered by fish... And I have 12 suction cups holding it up
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