My med tech shrimp tank build

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 5, 2014
This is what I have so far.
Started with a 10g tank set up from walmart includes tank cover with small LEDs a whisper filter.
Picked up a small heater.
Modded the filter to work as a hamburg matten filter using a big piece of 2" thick aquarium safe foam.
Filter and heater hidden behind black foam. Temp stays at 80

Sub-straight is fluval shrimp stratum
It's currently cycling I have driftwood In place java moss and one small Anubis waiting on more plants In the mail and my test kit. Once all is good I will order my shrimp doing something other them rcs and crystals

Also I will upgrade components such as lighting and add co2 as the time passes so far this is the set up ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1407384376.340521.jpg

And here u can see the filter set up off to the side ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1407384414.537861.jpg

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