My molly is pregnant, when will she burst?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 29, 2003
Waterloo, ON
So I bought some mollys because I hear they make babies very easily.

So one of them is pregnant and she looks like she is about to explode.. so how long do I have before this happens? and should I put the babies in a small breeder?
she will start to look almost sqaure when she does this she will have the babies soon.
Depending on what else is in the tank and whether you have lots of hiding spots will dictate whether or not to put the fry into a breeder tank. How long do you guess her to have been pregnant? Usually mollies are around 28 days for birth. If it is not a black molly her gravid spot will become quite obvious and as moms mentioned she will become more square at the back end.
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