My nano fish

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Lol yea that pred guy is getting on my nerves lol and about that eel my lfs dont know anything bout it either lol hey datkush i just got a breeder kit for my red cherry. Shrimp its pretty cool and can you give me suggestions of what kind of fish would be good for a 20 gallon long i just have a gourmai pleco a tetra and a catfish that only grows 5inch so any help plzz
hellaasian said:
Lol yea that pred guy is getting on my nerves lol and about that eel my lfs dont know anything bout it either lol hey datkush i just got a breeder kit for my red cherry. Shrimp its pretty cool and can you give me suggestions of what kind of fish would be good for a 20 gallon long i just have a gourmai pleco a tetra and a catfish that only grows 5inch so any help plzz

I do what I can ;)

You may need to be a little more specific about your fish for any help. Catfish, Tetra, Gourami, and Pleco are all verrrry general names that could mean a hundred different fish each!
I agree on that, I can help more if you know specific names :) you could do alot with a 20 long
Te pleco is in my dads tank now cause its to big its a common pleco so now just rapheal catfish and bala shark which does not harm fish so i was wondering if i can put nano fish in my tank
That bala shark is a schooling fish and gets enormous. I think you need like a 125 for a school of balas
If you take the bala shark out I think you could add nano fish.
The bala shark is small il find him another tank when its big so is it possible to house schooling fish with it
You could, but balas are omnivorous so as it gets bigger it might eat the smaller fish.
You really should stock your tank according to adult size not plans on future upgrades. No body knows when it begins to occur but it is fact that a fish kept in to small of a tank will be stunted resulting in a shorter lifespan and more chance for parasites and disease while it is alive. Along with that balas do get very big I believe around 14" or so and need schools to be happy. If you want a shark but not such a large tank rainbows can be kept in 50s but that's about as small as you'll be able to go with freshwater sharks. Sorry.
Yea i didnt know until i bought the bala shark but im going to let my lfs have my bala shark and just get nano fish for my tank
Hey datksh i found the fish a bigger home my friend is gona take them from me and have them in his 100 gallon tank
That's awesome, he'll be happy in there :D what kind of little fish are you thinking about getting?
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