My New 29g Tank Pictures

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 31, 2006
Lubbock, TX
Here it is, I just filled it up a few minutes ago. Anything missing? :D

Rocks and pool filter sand will come tomorrow.
fish, substrate, plants, rocks, driftwood. haha, can't wait to see it done.

i'd scoot the airstone down into the substrate when you fill it up, it'll look much cleaner!
I haven't thought about it much yet. I need to do some research and see how many I can fit and what kinds will work with each other. I'm pretty sure I'll have a pleco, and I like the way bala sharks look. Any recommendations?
on inch per gallon for fish.
so a pleco who wont grow very much will be perfect.soo say 5 to 6 inches i think is the smallest here. so try for one of those more so then the ones who grow to like 10 inches.
but remember to measure max size inches . say a pleco is 1 but will grow to six cout six inches outta 29. unless you plan on upgrading in the next year or so. then its not a huge deal.
i dont know what to reccomend. my favorite fish all grow really big.
i have a red tail shark and he is really cool.
umm what kinds of fish do you really like. and really must have?
maybe we can figure something else.
i think something with alot of color is nice.
maybe some rams they are intresting. i bought some and they had blue lips. :) very cool.
im not to sure on tankmates for certian fish. i have a habit of just adding anything. and so far its gone well but i havent had really super aggressive fish.
Ky'smommy said:
on inch per gallon for fish.

umm what kinds of fish do you really like. and really must have?

I thought that rule wasn't true anymore?

I really don't know what I want. You're right, stuff with lots of bright colors would be nice. I guess I just need to go to the LFS and see what I like. I just found one yesterday that's really close to my house, didn't even know about it.
The inch per gallon rule can apply to small bodied fish (tetras, rasboras.....).

It doesn't apply to bigger fish (you can't put a 5 inch oscar in a 5g).

I think plecos produce too much waste for a 29g. Nitrates would be sky high, unless you did regular weekly water changes of 50%.

Mark the bala shark off your list. At a max of 14 inches....they will definitely outgrow a 29g. They are also skittish and will sometimes hit their heads on the glass. They need friends also...and a huge tank. A 125g would be minimum for a group.
Stretch said:
Ky'smommy said:
on inch per gallon for fish.

umm what kinds of fish do you really like. and really must have?

I thought that rule wasn't true anymore?

I really don't know what I want. You're right, stuff with lots of bright colors would be nice. I guess I just need to go to the LFS and see what I like. I just found one yesterday that's really close to my house, didn't even know about it.

it isnt a rule by any means, but a rough guideline for certain types of fish.

It doesnt work for aggresive fish, and is highly dependant on where (bottom/mid/top) the fish hang out. As a rough planning guideline for communtiy fish, it's okay - but by no means something that people should depend on.

I would definitly go and browse and see what you like, then post back here for good info. Most LFS' information is profit-driven and the info given here is just about the best you can find.

edit: as for plecos, a that tank is too small for a common - but a rubberlip, clown, bristlenose, or any other pleco that stays under 5 inches or so would be ideal. You could also go with a small Cory school and some SAEs or Otos.... or all 3 :)
it actaully all depends on the fish and what you have in the tank, like decorations and if they are good together. also depends on other things. lol.
i just go on average about the one inch per gallon for max size of fish/
i have an 80g i have ten fish that will grow to 6inches so im good with this . since they are only 2-3 inches. i might purchase one or two more. because i definatly want at least a 120 gallon. bigger if possible.
if you want to stick with a small tank and just a few fish.

ok this isnt the site i wanted to refrence you to but it works.
it has different kind of fish and what it can go with and conditions.
I agree with tbone. Stocking a tank doesn't just depend on if the fish will fit. It depends on how they act towards other fish, aggression in general, do they school, do the produce alot of waste, etc. You have to consider everything.
i swear i changed my mind a 1000 times before i came up with a stocking list for my new 75 gal. if you havent made up your mind by the time you are cycled just put some corys in, they are more fun than some of the more expensive and exotic fish. cant go wrong with 3 of any corycat. jmo
sith j said:
just put some corys in, they are more fun than some of the more expensive and exotic fish. cant go wrong with 3 of any corycat.

I have 2 Cory's in my 37gal and alot of times the "Cory Cat Races" are more fun to watch, side by side, back and forth, up and down. But then they get tired and it's back to a peaceful tank with the rest of the fish.
I agree on the cories - they are by far the most fun fish to watch. I don't think I'd EVER be without them again :) Just remember that they like to be in groups, so 3 at a min and 5 is better. There are smaller varieties so you don't "eat up" all your tank space. I have 4 panda cories, which only grow to 2 inches. I'll be getting a fifth once my ick treatment is done. My tank is also 29 gal.

Have fun with the stocking list !

And AA is a wonderful place to get advice on your potential stocklist. Folks here are great at steering others in the right direction :)

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