My New Fish Bussiness. I Need Some Ideas.

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Do you think this Bussiness could workout good for a college kid?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 14, 2003
University of Michigan
From looking around town i have noticed that not many local bussinesses or nursing homes / schools have aquariums on display.

My thought was putting together a sales pitch on why and how a tank can improve their bussiness.

my services would be in the set up and matenance. i have a regular job but if i kept it small it would be doable.

any ideas? also i think id liketo put the same kind of fish in each tank just to keep it simple, ideas on fish?

i figure maybe if they have a 55g 2 oscars and a pleco would work. well you guys are always awesome to me so have at it!

thx ~ Bill
I wouldn't do two oscars in a 55g! especially adding a pleco to that mess. You would need some crazy filtration for one, or HITH will majorly take over the oscars. Oscars grow fast but their tempers don't, as they get older you'll most liekly end up with one of them being dead, while the other hurt really badly... this is not something kids will probably wanna see...
To cut down on expenses on filtration, food, and maybe even add some low light plants and the such I would add stuff like giant danios or neons, stuff like that for fish. Oscars eat a lot, poop a lot, grow a lot, and kill a lot. If a kid came close to sticking his or her hand in there they're gunna get shocked when oscars thingk its food. Also their poop is ginormous, filters won't be able to suck it in, so it (the tank) won't be so pretty, plus oscars love tearing out plants like noone's business, be it fake or real. Neons aren't THAT hardy but there are many fish that are... you could look at ramshorn snails for additions into algae cleaning (their poop isn't so stringy and the such which plecos are notorious for, plus theu won't get so big so quickly). For two oscars I would say minimum is a 75 gallon, One oscar could fit in a 55g but not two, especially with a pleco present.
Aquarium maintenance is a good place to start, that will give you an idea of the sort of work that is involved. If you are thinking about placing aquariums in offices,schools etc. then you are talking about leasing and that is a different way to go, there is more involved as you will have to supply and maintain and this will need to be done through a contract of some sort.
The other thing to remember is when it comes to supply and maintain you don't always get the choice of what fish are going in the tank, but you must have the knowledge to cover all types of aquariums.
I hope this little bit of info helps
I definitely think you'd have to go with much more peaceful fish if you're talking schools and nursing homes.

I don't think it would be too relaxing for the elderly folk to see two Oscars tearing each other apart, or chomping down live feeder fish.

Just a thought! :)
My 7 year old loves to watch our oscar eat up goldfish and lemon fish! I think it of the ultimate learning experience!!!! But, I don't think the elderly would appreciate it...maybe goldfish for them! HA!
It will only work if you do it because you want someone to have a nice fish tank, and not because you want to make money.

Why not a couple of female bettas? They are very colorful, and you could plant it with easily maintianed java moss, and have a very small filtration system.
A lot to say, I'm afraid.

Here's my objection... Though I think in principle this is a very good idea, many ppl will be quite stunned by the cost of having and running an aquarium. The ppl in these forums are performing a labor of LOVE by keeping fish. They don't mind being wildly rash with their money and time. Their fish survive as a result. When a business has an aquarium, this usually indicates that one of its employees has this same passion, and will spend extra hours working. If YOU have the passion, and not the business owner, things could go wrong. You might end up working a lot of extra time without pay, because you believe it is right for the fish, and they aren't willing to pay for extra work.

The bright side... It might work. But I'd only advise pitching this to businesses that can afford it, and have a fair amount of space. Some examples would include: a new-age restaurant, a nice hair salon, a museum, an insurance brokerage, a legal practice. Tanks are especially good for businesses which seek to draw customers to take a closer look at their store. Also, nursing homes, schools, as you mentioned. Places like this might go wild for the idea. I'm sure that a college town will have at least a couple of places like this.

When doing your pitch, bring along really really good pictures of your tanks, or other tanks you wish to emulate. Pictures really sell an idea. Check out the store beforehand, and suggest a possible location for the tank, showing how its presence might entice customers to enter the store. A tank that has both sides free--one to the window--and the other inside, would be perfect for kids, and would give parents a chance to relax. Also, bring along a budget, and don't play down the cost. Aquarium-keeping is notorious for hidden costs (medication, aquarium salt, new decorations, replacement fish, etc.), so give them an upfront estimate, and a monthly maintenance fee.

Why do I think I'm qualified to tell you this?? Well, I'm in the process of setting up a Lake Malawi cichlid tank for one of the departments at Columbia University. I proposed the project, and was brutally honest about the cost of getting ready and maintaining a 100 gallon tank (that they had already bought), and gave them a realistic rundown. They did accept my proposal, and the tank is going on line some time in the next few months. Your employers will appreciate your up-front honesty.

So, good luck, and get a great pitch ready!
madasafish said:
(The ppl in these forums) don't mind being wildly rash with their money and time.

Hee hee!! I agreeeeee.....

um, cough. this is funny to me because I just counted up (on both hands) what my little 55g SW has cost me to date, and I bought it used.

A slight teeny tiny bittty bit more than fresh tanks like I am used to.

A great big, huge tiny thousand dollar bit. And most "normal" people might think it funny to pay big bucks for a styrofoam box full of holey rocks.

Madasa I also totally agree about telling the cust. up front that is critical for any operation with many variables such as that one... people don't mind big up front cost quotes near as much as they do add-ons later.
I have to admit, I have thought of this very much lately. Every time i pick my daughter up from her daycare I think of how wonderful it would be to see a huge reef in there, and I know the kids would adore it. Well the thought of the little ones pounding on the glass bugs the piss outta me, but...

I really think it could work, but there are many things to consider. I think it would work out better if you owned the equipment and broke it down (all costs condidered) to a simple monthly payment that might pay for the equipment over a period of time {the length of initial contract} This won't leave any cash in your pocket until it's paid for outright, but after $$$ and you own the equipment. I think that would shave fear off of potenital customers of having equipment they are stuck with if the deal goes bad. But I can see how this would be difficult for you initially. No income! 8O (but I would have them pay for livestock in SW $$$$ ouch!)

I think offering options such as livestock types and FW SW choices.

Just some thoughts....although a buisness that looses money would do wonders for my taxes :twisted:
Well thank you, thank you. Yeah. If I added up the amount that my 3 (yup!) FW tanks have cost me, I'm willing to wager it would exceed $3000. In other words, my summer earnings :(

But, hell. It's TOTALLY worth it for me! I am stopping at this point, though! No more tanks! MTS stops here.
Madasa, I have heard that saying before from addicts such as myself.

"I am telling you man, I threw all the vinyl tubing in the trash and I am never going to buy another magnum 350 again.. "

A week later, you're walking out of LFS with a double fistful of bags.....

Man.. MTS it is cruel.... :D
i think its a good idea if you are abile too get them too buy all of these tanks, if i where you in my sales pitch i wouls bring pictures of fish and compatible spieces too show them what there tanks could look like take some pics from the net of biotopes such as discus, im sure that most places would prefer marine$$$$$$$ trust me.
madasafish said:
Well thank you, thank you. Yeah. If I added up the amount that my 3 (yup!) FW tanks have cost me, I'm willing to wager it would exceed $3000. In other words, my summer earnings :(

atleast thats with 3 tanks i took down all my other tanks and only have one tank up and its had close too what you spent on all 3 on it alone 8O dont tell my g/f :wink:
Why not put male and female fish in everyones tank you could use your customers tanks as your breeding stock. I like the planted freshwater communities, they can keep you intrigued for hours looking for all the fish.
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