My Oscar is followin apart!!!!

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From the close ups of the black Oscar, it looks like he has some major scratches from those ornaments you have in the tank. They probably do get in a squabble at night and the black Oscar slams into those ornaments causing himself injury. And like others said, he probably has an infection now.

You might want to take those ornaments out and replace them with some soft fake plants.
I doubt they would have caused that much injury over all of its body. and why is only one hurt then? I don't believe the ornamentals caused that.
the problem is clearly that the tank is way too small, even for one... put two fish that are very territorial in a tank that small, youre bound to have problems... either get a bigger tank (100+ gallons) or get rid of the fish and stick with something more suited for a 29g (guessing) tank
Hes getting worse I started treating him with Maracyn all his symptoms
fit the diagnosis but he looks worse any ideas?????






Wow, he looks terrible! I think he either has a fungus or bacterial infection, secondary to fighting or rubbing up against those decorations.
This is going to sound harsh. The black oscar is a dead if you do not remove him from the tank with the white one and treat his injuries. Treating him with the white one is not going to help because obviously the white one has established his territory in the tank and the tank isn't big enough for both to have territories therefore the black one is getting beat up.

Im really surprised that you do not see any fighting in this tank.
Im really surprised that you do not see any fighting in this tank.
not much room for them to hide and fight is there.. a bigger tank, like 5-6 times the size they are in now is completely necessary... compare it to keeping 2 cats in a clothes dryer... sure they can move around, but theyre not going to be happy and probably end up fighting... not to mention they will eventually stop growing on the outside, but not the inside...
Im telling you elminate fighting there not fighting they havent been for some time he devolped all this from the last water change and im treating him for Maracyn because it seems to be what he has but does the temp of the water being 85 degrees have anything to do with it and I called petsmart they said to give him anti parasite food saying the problem is internal
Is the black one flashing because of stress and causing injury to himself?
The third picture just kills me! The poor guy is falling apart. If it was my fish, I would humanely euthanize him if I was not able to get a bigger tank.

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