My peacock goby :)

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 29, 2011
Got it yesterday. Its so small lol


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:) I saw it and I loved it.
I hope I don't have any problems. Now I know that they are territorials... But so far is doing great.
I don't blame you, I would have grabbed it up in an instant! I can never find them locally. They are generally a good choice for communities, but will do best with lots of plants and hidey places ;)
Ok I need to add some more hiding places for my tank :) thanks for the advice.
No problem! I'd go for a few live plants if you don't already have some :)
I love my peacock gudgeons! They are so much fun. Mine have been breeding INSANELY too. I now have a fry tank of about 80 of them O_O lol. They are really cool little community fish though. And omg do they love frozen bloodworms and other live worms. :) That appears to be a female (unless it grows a nuptial hump) if you get a male and stick some pvc pipe in there they will go to town with the baby making lol.
Oh my are you on the west coast? I've love to buy some of those from you!
I am on the east coast, but I ship fish a lot, and I do ship to the west coast. I would be more than happy to sell a few to you as soon as they are big enough. They are teeny tiny right now, but in another month ish I think they will be big enough to travel. :)
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